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* A Love Story*

Some Quotes for Thought...

* Spillin' My Thoughts On Paper *

These are a few of my poems I have written, some about past experiences, some just written as the words formed on the paper... enjoy

~Transparent Emotions~

Late at night
It's very dark
When you reach out
I feel the sparks
I move in closer
You embrace me then
We're walking on
The beaches sand
The sound of waves
The ocean's breeze
The salty smell
Puts my mind at ease
The way I feel
The way you are
Has me falling for you
And really hard
I look in your eyes
You look in mine
Our souls connect
They intertwine
The sky above us
The moon shines bright
A million stars
Twinkle on this night
You lean in and kiss me
Too perfect it seems
Then I awake to find
It was just a dream

~Without A Word~

You walked over to me from across the room
Greeting me with a soft kiss on the forehead
You lifted my chin up with one finger so I'd look into your eyes
I looked for a split second and then turned away
You could tell something was wrong
Yet I smiled as though not to face the truth
We had been together for a year
Still now that means nothing
I pretended to be happy so I wouldn't have to deal with the pain
I always smiled so you wouldn't see the hurt that was contained inside me
Yet sometime between then and now
My eyes told on me
A lazy tear slowly rolled down from my eye
Like the tears themselves were tired of running
You put your arms around me as if you too were trying not to let go
We both knew what had to be done
You kissed me one last time before you turned to leave
Without one word, so much had been said
And yet it was over

~Lost Emotions~

Darkness engulfs my soul
Searching for safety
A dim light burns in the distance
I turn to see only HIM
My security
He extends his right hand
In search for mine
I quickly grab ahold
But suddenly realize that I reached out too soon
My security holds me
In his gigantic arms
Protecting me from all the dangers
Of the unknown
That lie beyond the darkness
A year later I gazed into
My security's eyes
HIS look made me uneasy
The dim light began to flicker
Until my security
.....Let Go.....
And now emptiness fills my heart
As darkness engulfs my soul

~The Perfect Heartache~

You stand there knowing I love you
I sit here waiting for you to say the three words
I've yearned for months now to ear
We stare into each other's eyes SO deeply, that I am engulfed in your soul
You leandown and gently kiss me...
A kiss so passionate and faithful, an explosion of emotions rushed throughout my body
All te hurt, the lies, and the pain escaped my mind
But the love, the passion, and the promises stayed locked within my heart and soul
Once again you convinced my heart to take over and control me
I, now standing wrapped in your arms, kiss you
Your mouth welcomingly accepted my small invitation
The moment between us is great
Th love within us is obvious
My dreams fly away towards heaven
You lay me down on my own bed and run your fingers through my hair
One kiss followed by another forces and now my mind
To get lost in what seems to be the perfect moment
*We Make Love*
We now lay beside each other
Your arms around me,you kiss my forehead
I again fall into your eyes
And tell you that I love you
You ascend from my bed and get dressed
I come to your side, this time you kiss me
I once again tell you I love you
And once again silence is your only response


Fate played a nasty trick on me
The day I first met you
It made me fall head over heels
For a guy I hardly knew

Fate pushed me right into it's trap
With no way to get out
The first time I fell into your eyes
I was addicted without a doubt

Fate showed me all your qualities
That I was blind to before
The sweet things you found to say to me
The way you always opened doors

Fate waited until I was devoted to you
Because your love made me complete
Then snuck in between the two of us
And built a wall thick, yet discreet

Fate watched our love disintegrate
And when we fell apart
It laughed and pointed down at me
While trying to mend my broken heart

Fate played an evil trick on me
It put you on display
And just when I thought it was true love
Fate took all of you away


I want you
I want you here with me
to lay with me like we did that night
I loved that
but it reminded me of something else
and then he walked away
so I was afraid
thinking that maybe you would do the same...
I always knew you were not anything like him
and that scares me too
I want the rain to fall
and the sun to shine on me
all at the same time
so that I may see your face
but you can not see my tears
all that's going through my head
right at this very moment
makes no sense at all to me
and yet I understand every word
of what I am feeling
I hurt you, I know
Your voice told me
even though you struggled not to let it through
your emotions aren't only consuming you
but they are engulfing me too
and I know this
because I feel the same way
even though I have no idea what your feeling
Your heart was broken the same way mine was
only that much worse
because the person you loved so deeply
loved you too
and mine just walked away
that was only because
he hated me
just as much as I loved him
so we are the same yet very much different
in a way I can't explain
I can only understand it
I miss you
but I don't know that I can see you again
if I do I might just fall
ever so deeply into your eyes
and may just want to be with you
but you don't know what you want either
and here I am contemplating on two roads
one yours and one mine
which to choose
and what if they never merge
knowing inevitably they will
and curious if we'll crash or gently collide
and end like the fairy tales
or will I awake in the middle of the night
screaming in terror for comfort
I always wanted someone to care
the way that you do
so I guess
this is it.................

~My Ambition to Love You~

I hate you more than anything,
but I love it when you...
Then you'll do that thing I hate
That I still can't put my finger on
and I cringe again
I love your affection
I hate when you touch me
I smile when you laugh
I cry when your happy
because it's a false security
and you want her but she wants him
and nobody knows what they want anymore
hurt feelings become inevitable
love was never an option
but always a consideration
and now again I sit here
and ponder
about rain drops and pain
and then I swing dance
with a family member
not related... never was
and they said
"you look beautiful"
and I am me, and happy
until she walks in with the recent groom
and I am envious
because she has what I may never find
but I don't want it right now
I want him
but now he wants her
and neither of us know what we want anymore
now Jewel is playing
I'm sitting on my roof
wondering if he's looking at the same stars
I'm going to bed
to cuddle the bear I wish he was
I will be with him
I won't give up
I love him
I have forever and I won't
pave the way for someone else again


I often wonder if you've ever really been hurt
Cried so much, your tears blended in with the rain
Fallen in love so deep, you didn't know where you were
Gotten lost in someone's eyes and was late for something important... but didn't care
Couldn't say you loved someone, because the words weren't enough
Wanted to be their everything, and have them turn you away
Kissed someone with every emotion inside you, and discover it meant nothing to them
Ever physically felt your heart break
Felt your stomach tie itself in a million knots when you heard the words "just friends"
And after you'd been through it once,build a wall
because at this point you want nobody else to hurt you in the way they did again
Not caring if you missed "the one", but at the same time feel miserably lonely
And it's always all over that one person you thought you loved
When all you ever wanted was a last call of the night
Someone to hold you, to "feel it" the same time you did for once
because after you've been through all that, then I'll hear you say, "I understand"


Frustration consumes me
I'm overwhelmed with all that is going on
And as I walk around in an attempt to clear my thoughts
it starts to pour heh, "Just my luck" I have no shelter
I try to run in between the raindrops
But inevitably they too come crashing down on me
As if to say, "you should have been prepared"
But that is the impossible, because it was never expected
Within moments, I am drenched and cold
I continue walking, ignoring the weather
And return to my disturbing thoughts that are spontaneously combusting inside my head
I step off the curb into a puddle
For a moment fearing I'd fall into the black hole I saw there and drown in my worries
But instead I was not the victim chosen
I feel smothered, but I am all alone, and confused as well now
Just then a car drove by causing a tidal wave puddle to engulf the sidewalk and myself
and then I was gone


I look at you
and see nothing but the inevitable
I yearn to be in your arms
but I fear it'll all turn out the same
little flirtatious acts
that lead to the exchange of phone numbers
and a lifetime of unreturned phone calls
your devious smile
draws me closer to the scent of your cologne
and suddenly I'm addicted
your hand brushes up against mine
sending chills right up my spine
so I close my eyes to catch my breath
but before I can compose myself
your hands were at my waist pulling me nearer
and you brought your forehead down to meet mine
gazing in my eyes caused the butterflies in my stomach to lose control
I was consumed by this amazing feeling
so intensly I didn't want it to end
eventually your lips met mine and I knew at that moment you weren't like the rest
that "something about you" made you more appealing to me, and now I want to be with you
but taking that chance will make me a part of your game


You've left me colorblind
Completing a rubix cube
because everything around me
Can be solved except you

There are too many feelings
Running through me I'm a mess
And yet I'm completely numb to you
Because I'm emotionless

The weatherman has predicted
A future full of sunshine
the sky is very dark and cloudy
The rain is pouring outside

You have over a thousand words
Exploding inside my head
And still I can not find the words
to say what I've already said

Somehow everything you say
Will contradict eachother
I've given you too much room to breath
And yet you feel smothered

In the little world of yours
Shakespeare is singing songs
Of all the love, justice, and peace
upon a battlefield gone wrong

I don't know what to think of this
I'm full of confusion
Because whatever you make look real
Is only an illusion


The emotions contained within the darkness of your eyes
Told me all that you wanted to say
You're "I'm fine" line
Didn't work this time
You were just searching for a reason I can't stay
I don't know what happened within the few moments we spoke
A glance, with an exchanged "hi"
Then you got in a mood
And blamed my attitude
As a reason for no kiss goodbye
Perhaps you yearned power, thought me a kingdom
defeated that you had to conquer
now your feelings found dead
because it's stuck in your head
That eventually I'll turn out just like her
I can't deal with these childish games
My heart can't take anymore of it
I'm completely falling apart
Because you stole my heart
Without any intention to love it


I'm tired of waiting for happiness
it's long overdue
the only true happiness I ever find
are on the days I spend with you
when you were given every opportunity
to lose all connection and walk away
you'd tell me to call you'd kiss me goodbye
giving me every reason to stay
I've always wanted to be in your arms
while you'd drift off to your dreams at night
to be the only one whom you would call
should any of your ambitions take flight
I love being around you
the scent and your touch
makes my heart beat only for you
and I know deep inside
my meaning to life would die
if I never ended up with you
I've been praying for months now
that my one request could be granted for me
because with every breath
I fall in love with you more
and without you I could simply not breathe

~Love isn't enough... is it?~

If this kiss
is the last I'll ever know of you,
then let it remind you
of every moment we've ever shared
when the sweet scent of my hair gave you shivers
just as the scent of your cologne did to me...
of the nights we didn't want to end
while star gazing
curious as to what our fate might be
Smile when you get that feeling
and know
that's all I feel
every time your eyes meet mine
because I knew then
that I would love you for always
and my love
is something about you -n- me
that will never change

My Favorite Web Sites

Horoscopes by Jonathan Cainer
Quotes for any occasion
