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Luv you, Jason! ++");return false;` onselectstart="return false" ondragdrop="return false"; background=personalpage_files/404.htm topMargin=0>
mizz_independent «« «« hoverr...

an old picc but who cares? my name's none of your bzness unless you already know me, if you don't, i'm called kasia, kathy, kath, so my name should be obvious now. i'm turning "sweet" on the 13th of september and i currently reside in 514 MTL. rep'n the EX-ELLES. my pride is being a filipina, and was born and raised there. the last thing that you need to know is that i'm happily married. biters? s.t.f.u... thank you and have a nice day.

none @ the moment...

»» 1st of September :

so here it is... an update? doesn't really matter... so today was the 1st day of school. yargg.. =T hate my school. i wish i could bomb it. the 3rd years are so much worse than us last year. more... "hoe-ish"? hahaha. is that a word? -_-' oh wellz. doesn't really matter... so yah, school suxx, the teacher suxx, all of you ppl suck. hahaha! jkidz lang ha! -_-' am just really tired... maybe i'll cut this post short. doesn't really matter since life's not that interesting without my bb... i miss him...

posted at 9:55 pm EST by Babee-Kasia