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Susan' Poetry Page
Wednesday, 15 October 2003
More Poems

More poems are written when the sun is gone
Than when it sparkles bright
More words are penned, they tend
To lend themselves to darkened night
Grey and turbulence and fear
And moon and cloud and sadness
It's they that feed a tear and make
Us swoon, much more than gladness.

Posted by poetry/susan_szczesny at 2:33 PM NZT
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Monday, 13 October 2003
Rainy Day

It's cold inside my tomb today
The gloom is slate
And clay and grey

It's quiet in the halls above
The walls are tall
And lacking love

Echoed sounds in caves around
The waves unbrave
An eerie sound

The ground below is creeping brown
And steeped in weeping
Souls unbound

Posted by poetry/susan_szczesny at 2:25 PM NZT
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Saturday, 11 October 2003
'You're insecure', he said
And reasurance for him taxing
I've found his famished fine reserve
Intruded on his relaxing

Shed the sad and veined small skin
Drilled hard inside of me
Received from the ones that give
No charity for free

I'm sprinting up the hill again
My lungs ache deep, I'm breathless
The fine mirage I saw ahead
Is sand. It's parched relentless

Posted by poetry/susan_szczesny at 12:11 AM NZT
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Saturday, 20 September 2003
Lonely, Angry, Empty
I'm lonely
God I'm lonely
I'm sad and won't resign myself
to life with just me only

I'm angry
God I'm angry
I'm mad and won't be satsified
while love makes me so hungry

I'm empty
God I'm empty
Inside myself an echo sounds
where it should be dull with plenty

Posted by poetry/susan_szczesny at 11:45 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 23 September 2003 2:48 PM NZT
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I've had encounters times before
But never one that mattered
I've never been so influenced
I've never been so shattered

I cannot shake my love, my heart
I cannot let it go
I cannot make it disappear
It's really brought me low

To love as big and wide as this
It's the Pacific Ocean
Surging swell, waves of hell
I'm sick from constant motion

Posted by poetry/susan_szczesny at 11:33 PM NZT
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The path in front is overgrown
It sometimes disappears
The twists and garish shadows
Seem to magnify my fears

Even if I reach that stage where
I've nearly worked it out
The path will keep meandering on
I'm unsure, seized by doubt

An obstacle of cruel size
Will blind my forward vision
The path will be a cruel place
Obscured by indecision

My heart will grow deliberately
Around an active mine
I'll wait in trembling silence
For peace to come in time

Posted by poetry/susan_szczesny at 11:28 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 23 September 2003 2:49 PM NZT
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Satisfied with talking
We both agreed to be
But your idea and my idea
Are worlds apart you see

I cannot live and not connect
You can't live if you must
So you're not left and I'm bereft
It's all just turned to dust

Posted by poetry/susan_szczesny at 11:24 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 23 September 2003 2:50 PM NZT
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Sleep eludes me constantly
I lie awake
My mind replays in sequences
I cannot break
At first the face was eagerness
And then was blank
Then it's coldness seized me
My heart sank
Then returning gradually
A little smile
Then a throaty thrilling laugh
And then the trial
Endless stomach wrenching pain
The agony
A world turned on it's end for me
To set you free

Posted by poetry/susan_szczesny at 11:23 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 23 September 2003 2:51 PM NZT
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The Brick Wall
Oh God I am so angry
I'd love to curse and swear
I'd love to throw my feelings
Into space that has no air

To cripple them make them submit
To clip their wings and maim them
To crush them into slavishness
To extinguish and reclaim them

But if I did I'd die a bit
And part of me would perish
The part of me that has the art
To live and breathe and cherish

If this part died. I'd exit out
The easiest farewell
Some liquid chill and sleeping pills
No need to live this hell

Posted by poetry/susan_szczesny at 11:20 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 23 September 2003 2:53 PM NZT
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Nature is not natural
Gentleness is bad
Goodness leaves a bitter taste
Happiness turns sad
Joy has just a dark effect
Sanity's gone mad
Delight makes disappointment
Closeness pulls away
Pleasure is a spiritual pain
Alyssium is grey
Love is all there is in this
Cling to that and pray
But even that, when asked for back
Will vanish melt away

Posted by poetry/susan_szczesny at 11:17 PM NZT
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