Final Unsent letter to Professor Kynu

I don't regret you, I don't regret loving you
I meant what I said, I didn't want to date anyone but you
Never before, even after my husband, have new guys had to stand in comparison to anyone
Every new suitor stood on his own, weighted only by my own fierce scrutiny
After meeting you
Each suitor is weighted heavily based on what I want---what I get---from you
No one compares as they flail hopelessly trying to capture me

Will a bunch of pretty words better tell you what I want to say?
Or will you accept my simple ones?

I don't regret falling in love
Love is such an interesting, romantic topic
Love enables people to reach great heights
Learn new things
Strive to be a better person for that someone
One day I will have children and
Maybe I'll tell them when they meet their first loves and
Subsequently have their hearts broken
How one day Mom also did this and
How much it hurt but
How much also she learned and cherished from the experience

In order to be free to love again
And I will, I now realize love is something tangible
Something I can let myself do, and it isn't as bad as I thought
I must not let go of the past
But learn from it, and
Add it to my repertoire of memories and past involvements
Along with the scraped leg I got from wrecking my bike on my way downtown to get my SNES
Where I learned that pain is nothing when it's on your way to success
I can keep your image
The things you taught me, and
I will, as you've said many times before
Remember you fondly
