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A Cool Summer Rain


Heylo! Welcome to my happy little website! :-D I'd like to thank Kelly for creating this for me and I hope I don't mess it up. Lol. As u can tell, I'm a writer, not an artist so expect to see lots of poems by me, but very few pictures. And the only pictures I will post'll probably messed up weirdo ones. I'll try and update alot, but I probably won't. I don't have anything else to say so remember Peace and Love and Enjoy the Site!

June 20, 2002- Tomorrow is Litha, Midsummer Day or the longest day of the year. If you sleep on a bed of rose petals tonight, you will dream of your soul mate. Happy Litha to everyone!




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Layout copyright of Fae*enid. Website content and everything else copyright of Ashley Aguilar unless other wise noted.