Still waiting:
  • for my talent to arrive
  • for prince charming to come
  • for love
  • for my dreams to come true
  • for the best friend life could offer
  • for happieness
  • for school to finally be over
  • for my life to start
  • for freedom
  • for him to notice me
  • for things to work out right
  • for hope
  • for fame
  • for a reason to smile
  • for some more sunshine
  • for the things you promised me
  • for the chance I didn't get
  • for the wish i made on that star to come true
  • for you to want me around
  • for the sky to fall
  • for penguins to learn how to fly
  • for hell to freeze over b/c it'll prove tupac's alive
  • for the day i feel good in my own skin