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Wednesday, 20 April 2005

Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Real Life
I know I haven't written in a long time. I've been busy with a lot of stuff lately... sorry. I don't feel like writting much but I'm at someone's house and after what ARM told me... I'm really out of it. 60 days doesn't seem so far away anymore... but I guess I have to do it, eh? Whatever, more later. Bye.


Posted by poetry/suicidalgoth03 at 12:03 PM
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Monday, 28 March 2005
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: Boyz In Motion (Compliments of Angie)
Topic: Real Life
*Kick her!
*Slap her!
*Punch her in the face!
*Step on her!
*Ask to spend the night and cut all her hair off in her sleep!
*Hire a hitman!
*Other! (Please explain!)

Send all your choices to and I'll post the results when I get enough entries! Thx!


Posted by poetry/suicidalgoth03 at 11:44 AM
Updated: Monday, 28 March 2005 11:49 AM
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Not Dead (awww)
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Angie singing badly!
Topic: Whatever
Save me please! Angela won't shut up!! Hmm... hold on. *Slaps Angie in face* Okay, enough of that! A fighter that one is! I won though. Uh oh, she's singing again! What should I do next? It's up to you! Read my next entry to choose!


Posted by poetry/suicidalgoth03 at 11:40 AM
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Wednesday, 9 March 2005
It's Been A While...
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Unfabulous :)
Topic: Real Life
It really has! I know, I've been sick for a while but I'm better and I'm back! So, the birthday deal? I can have a reeeally small party (thanks to having a prude for a grandma) but I have to get my hair done first. Gag! I'm dying it red, cutting it, and perming it pitch straight. I guess it's not so bad once you think about it though. Eh, whatever, too much thinking for me. Lol, I'll talk-uh... write later, I promise I won't get sick!! Out!


Posted by poetry/suicidalgoth03 at 2:43 PM
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Monday, 28 February 2005
Nearly Famous... Nearly.
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: No Idea, some movie my mom's watching.
Topic: Poetry
Yesyesyesyes! Omg! I can't believe it! Okay, you may have heard about how I got my poem 'Disappeared' published twice right? Well I got a letter this afternoon saying that I got one of my other poems 'You'll See...Someday' published with a completly different company! Okay, too hyper... *takes deep breath* okay, I'm good. Lol, 3 books! I'm famous! Um... okay maybe not yet but hey, I'm getting there. And I'm now working on a new book, 'Princess', I owe the title to my best friend Brandi because she gave my the nickname 'Punk Princess'. You'd have to read the -unfinished- last chapter to understand the title though. IM or email me at if you'd like to read the first chapter!

Posted by poetry/suicidalgoth03 at 4:56 PM
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Three In A Row!!
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: No Idea, mom's watching, not me.
Topic: Poetry
Yesyesyesyes! Omg! I can't believe it! Okay, you may have heard about how I got my poem 'Disappeared' published twice right? Well I got a letter this afternoon saying that I got one of my other poems 'You'll See...Someday' published with a completly different company! Okay, too hyper... *takes deep breath* okay, I'm good. Lol, 3 books! I'm famous! Um... okay maybe not yet but hey, I'm getting there. And I'm now working on a new book, 'Princess', I owe the title to my best friend Brandi because she gave my the nickname 'Punk Princess'. You'd have to read the -unfinished- last chapter to understand the title though. IM or email me at if you'd like to read the first chapter!

Posted by poetry/suicidalgoth03 at 4:51 PM
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This Is Torture!
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: King Of Queens
Topic: Real Life
Crying... not in the mood for typing about anything special. Fight with Adam turned on me. Now he won't say anything. He's being so hard on himself and I hate it! What's happened to him? He went from my awesome, fun, funny, best friend to my still awesome, sweet, perfect boyfriend to this dark, moody (no offence), gloom and doom, 'I suck' person who I don't even know anymore! I'm all for the darkness and gloom and doom with others, but when it hits him? Somethings up. I don't know, maybe I'm just blowing up after everything that happened today. Or maybe Angie was right and I'm PMSing...sorry guys- but whatever it is, this cannot make it better. Out.


Posted by poetry/suicidalgoth03 at 4:27 PM
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Sunday, 20 February 2005
I Love President's Day!
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: VH1
Topic: Real Life
Yeah, that sounded weird. The reason why is because my school gets the day off! This post is gonna be really short because I've been working on the basement since I woke up and I am exausted! I'm tired, ache, you name it! *Yawn* Uh oh, evil grandma coming! Add more tomorrow! Bye!


Posted by poetry/suicidalgoth03 at 4:20 PM
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Saturday, 19 February 2005
More Preps
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: MTV
Topic: Real Life
I told you last time I'd write more about preps, so here I am. So has anyone answered my question? What's wrong with preps? Other than the obvious...
My point was proven today after watching 'Sweet 16' with my annoying prep neighbor. Two sluty, rich preps is a bit more than I need right now! Most would say I hate preps because -I guess- I'm Goth as everyone tells me *raises eyebrow* but that really isn't it. I used to be one but c'mon! Why do
you need to wear skimpy, too -tight, see through, barley there outfits to please a guy? I know a girl who skipped a day of school to get a hair cut WHICH might I add cost a total of $300...just because it looked like another girls hair! If that doesn't prove my critiquial status, what will?

Posted by poetry/suicidalgoth03 at 9:09 AM
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Friday, 18 February 2005
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Soap Operas!
Topic: Real Life
What's the problem with preps? Are they truly so desperate that they will say, act, or wear anything to get a guy/girl? I used to be one -shutter the thought!- But I was never like the other sluts! There are waaay too many preps at my school and I'm sick of it! They think they're so much better then the rest of us! God, reality check please! Yes, some of my friends are prep but c'mon! If they turned into another brand name clothes only, diamond wearing, money flashing, showoffy clones, I would drop them and start friend shopping the second they did! It's not so much the clothes that get me, I'll admit it, some prep clothes I do like and would wear but not the too short for even summer mini skirts and tight tube or tanks! I'm getting yelled at for being on so late...wait-it's not late! Well whatever, I'm sick of tyhe screaming, I promise to write more later! Out for now!


Posted by poetry/suicidalgoth03 at 8:15 PM
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Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Design On A Dime.... Grandma
Topic: Whatever
I'm so hyper right now!! I had waaay too much chocolate over break and am now sick yet I can't seem to stop. Must...resist...chocolaty...goodness! Oh forget it, noboby won't give in to a hershey kiss!
Unless of course you're alergic or diabetic! Hehehe..
Well, I'm off to do... whaatever else I can think of before the effects of all the candy wears off and I can calm down-as if! But I need an excuse to shut up so cya!


Posted by poetry/suicidalgoth03 at 6:14 PM
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Wednesday, 16 February 2005
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: No idea, not paying attention to the tv.
Topic: Real Life
What started out as a great day soon came to a screeching halt. I was having a great time. I went shopping, out to eat, had a nice night at home. So I went online. Was that the sound of a thousand fingernails on a chalkboard? I started out okay, I wrote a new poem, I was good. But then what seemed like something good went horribly wrong! My boyfriend- excuse me EX boyfriend... got online after telling me he'd be gone for a week. I asked him about this. He didn't answer. I waited a while. Still nothing. After a loooong time he finaly answered me only to yell that he is much too busy to answer me! So now not only am I in a bad mood, but I am also boyfriendless. At the risk of being seen as Avril Lavigne, so much for my happy ending!

Posted by poetry/suicidalgoth03 at 4:57 PM
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Monday, 14 February 2005
Winter Break!
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Duplex
Topic: Whatever
Okay, so it's not as cool as the infamous spring break, but hey, I get out of school for a week! Midterms are finaly over and hw is back :'( But as long as I'm home, why not IM me? Do I'm gonna go watch the end of Duplex with my mom so hurry! I'll be on later though so talk to you then? Happy Valentine's Day! Aka- Another stupid excuse to spend your well earned money on overpriced candy cards and flowers. Especially when your boyfriend is gone for a week at stupid camp...

Posted by poetry/suicidalgoth03 at 3:04 PM
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Sunday, 13 February 2005
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Uh...infomercials sadly.
Topic: Whatever
Hey, welcome to my new blog! It's 5.00 in the morning and I'm really hyper... and will probably be sleeping by 6. But while I'm awake, I just wanted to welcome you to my humble abode. So uh... welcome to my humble abode! Write more later.


Posted by poetry/suicidalgoth03 at 10:49 PM
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