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This page is intended to be the gateway to many more pages of entertainment and information. If for any reason you have a question or comment about anything I have posted on this page please feel free to email me or message me and speak what ever is on your mind. First thing I should say is anything that I post on here is not meant to offend anyone in anyway and if it does I apologize in advance. I will admit what I find entertaining or funny might not be to your liking all I have to say to that is if you like what you find send others if you don't then try to avoid my site or make appropriate suggestions of changes that you would like. If there is something you would like to see on here please feel free to let me know.



This is a pic of me taken in Jan 2005 at my moms house. I will post more interesting pics of prettier or weirder things in this website I just thought you may enjoy seeing the face behind the work.


Now onto the things you really came to see.