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Welcome to Steven Powell's New Poetry Page!

Same old text, brand new look

Just as before, all of my work is free to use as long as you keep my name attached to my work. Work by other people may only be used by permission of the author. Sit down with a nice hot cup of green tea (or any other tea, but I prefer green and that is what I designed this page to be drank with) and ruminate. As a side note, all of these pages are written in XHTML 1.0 STRICT (which is slightly messed up by the angelfire banner) in order to make them easy to process on even the slowest of machines. However, you must have a recent version of Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. To God be the Glory.

For those of you new to the Holy Scriptures, I would like to invite you to download Dr. J. Vernon McGee's Guidlines to the Scriptures. You can download it in Adobe Acrobat Format, or .doc format (larger, but readable for all Windows 95/98 machines).

Guidline's in Adobe Acrobat Format (recommened) | Guidlines in .doc format
Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for free at

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