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Cause I can't tell you in words. I write to let my feelings out, To fly away like birds. I write to entertain you, To maybe make you cry. I write some things to shock you, You'll sit and wonder why. I write to tell you thanks, For many things you've done. I write sometimes to write, For reasons I have none. But then I write for me, To maybe take some time To write about something That may not have a rhyme. But life is the main subject Because of many flings, And many people hate it Despite the good things.


Where lies seem to set you free. Evovlve into a murderer where deciet becomes sweeter. Her envy reminisced hatred My correlate possessed darkness, This girl had commenced sadness. Her irony ruined all her prospects, Falehood was proven in her dialects. These thoughts never left her side, Yet they came along for the ride. Pretending her heart was at ease, Took over her cry for it to cease. The kiss of death set this girl free, Alibis had met her death. But she left me stranded, and Oh! The difference to me.


Please wait, before you make up your mind. Will you not reconsider just one more time? Is it really to late to mend what is broken? Can our love end without another word spoken? Once our laughter our talks together made us both happy regardless our endeavors. Our friendship grew as we grew with one another. Can it be so easily forgotten with so little bother? I know what I feel. I can sense you feel the same. Let us not put our pride in the way. We cannot put our love as the blame. We both spoke words out of anger and despair. Yet what we have together is to beautiful to toss away without a care. I must tell you what I honestly feel. Loving you is wonderful, beautiful and real. I value you more than you can ever know. This heart is yours that beats so wildly at the thought of you. How could I ever let you go? I will move heaven and earth to be with you forever. I will walk the miles that keep us apart, leaving you never. For I love you. There is nothing anyone can say or do that will convince me that I do not belong with you. Thus, know this before you make up your mind. I will never leave you sad and alone. I am yours until the end of time For better or worse whatever life brings our way I want to be by your side at the end of each day. There may be disagreements. Yet, always know this is true. As long as this heart beats within me I will never cease wanting you, needing you, forever loving you..


The night lay still around us. The silence is but that of complete contentment. Yet I long for the words, those words, that would fulfill me. I know your love for me. For it is in the way you speak my name. The gentle echo from your lips enchants my heart as none other. One could not pretend such if it were not so. When you touch me, every gentle caress makes my body ache for more. The passion and desire that you show then could not be a charade. As your lips ever so tenderly touch mine kissing away all of my doubts and fears I feel safe and protected in your arms. Now looking into your caring eyes, they say what you have not said, I whisper softly "I love you". "Do you love me?"


Everytime i see the moon, it soars Are you dreaming of me Fantasy or non-fiction My intuition, could be A manifestation, of my creativity My feelers are always on Trying to pick up your interference With a knowing glance I'll get clearance To take that chance On a coincidence, maybe A chance, perhaps For all that we could be If fate does a dance with us We must listen And learn to trust Our intuition...


I knew how wonderful true contentment could be. I was always skeptical of falling in love, but now I am sure That you were predestined to be a part of me. I cannot sleep because I wonder how I could exist without waking up next to you All those years before now – The moment I first saw you, I felt all my dreams coming true. I wish I could indicate how intense My feelings are – But humanity hasn’t developed the words to convey. Somehow your love causes my life to make sense And gives me reason to savor every day. I pledge my life to you for all eternity – My mind, my body, my soul are yours. My desire is to be Yours forever - to love, honor, cherish and adore


She looks at him how much she cares I can see her love for him When she speaks his name A love she once thought she would Never find until he showed up And forever she shall love him When he holds her in his arms She starts to shake in happiness When she sees him she gets weak In the knees is this true love Of course a first love shall Last forever and so will Her love for this one man A man like no other a man that Loves her for who she is But when and if he hurts her I'll hurt him back


I looked into your eyes, and it led me to your soul, showing me the way, to be only yours forever, I hoped forever for that to be, and when I looked into your soul, it showed me to your heart, tellin me to open up, giving you my everything, and let me see your love, and when I looked into your heart, thats what I got, the everything I had looked for, your everlasting love.

My Love

Babe i never knew love until you found me... I never could open up until you found me... But most of all i never knew ME until you found me... You see, because i cant be me without you, with me... I was afraid to open my eyes and see the darkness... But with you theres always light to shine the way... My world...My dreams... My everything... I see what no one else sees... Your laugh brings so much happiness... You look so cute when your eyes shut to rest... Such sweet lips of bliss with every kiss... The chemistry we have I cant resist... The way we live each moment and know not to regret... My world... My dreams... My everything...


Is that what I really want to say? I'll never be completely sure but something has to end this hurt All this time giving Never did I recieve I'd like to keep holding on Although my heart is not that strong I wonder what it is about you That won't let you escape my mind You didn't dare to give me the time of day Yet I still decided to stay I like to claim "I don't quit" but this time I'll surrender I'll let all the memories slip me by For once I'll do something right What is it that I really want to say? Good-Bye...

And Rain

i would do it again just to see you i see you inside in your bed you're never dreaming of me and i won't come around anymore now that you've locked the door in the cold air i'm looking in remembering when i was with you now i know that you don't want me it was stupid to think that you needed me never enough to make you happy i'll never know why you did this to me i would give you what's left of my heart if you'd let me die in your arms but you're too busy to see me..

My Best Friend

No one can change its mind. My love for you will always stand, Yet to you it’s only blind. I watch over you from far away, I envy your precious smile. My insides feel like broken wings, Not to be repaired for a while. Still my soul feels suffocated, By something I can’t change. My world revolves around you, I feel no need to rearrange. I try to make myself believe, That you are not the one, But my heart desires you, of course, The only one I love.


A picture on my wrist. It's gonna be a fountain. A red one to let you know. And when they are done drawing, I'm sorry but it's time to go. I'll go into a world Where I'll live peacefully. The light is gettin dimmer... I wish you could see me now. You know it's all your fault That I'm lying here on the ground. You ignored me and you laughed at me; Well, it'll eventually come around. My time is getting shorter now. I think I have to go. You'll tell me you didn't mean to, And all I'll say is "so?" I hope you understand me now: Because of you I'm gone.

Loosing someone

There is no other There is nothing more painful Then knowing you'll never see eachother No more phone calls to say hello No more goodbye's But painfully no more hello's You know you'll meet one distant day But till that day you can not wait You had a love A love so deep A love so precious A love to keep To keep inside To remember always Through the bad days And mostly through the good days

real love

reveal my inner self to you look past my mask of bravado and you shall find my sensitive heart cradled by tender emotions and always searching for any form of love.i welcomed you into my life when i needed a friend i thought that out of all of them you'd be real.But i can see how you feel by the way you act, cold and distant..i guess my negative side was too strong for you to contend with but i really thought you and i were cool i told you that i trusted you, revealing just how much cared 4 U. but now where our friendship once had a great promise and future lies but a broken lonely heart...

When the clock ceases

Will she remember me All those years I took her To the very edge of insanity When the wind finds What shes been blowing toward Will she have me in mind Or will she be blowing forward When the sun grows cold Her summer rays all spent Will my memories she hold Or to forgetful people were they lent


It Was Just As I Had Always Imagined It The kiss, It was innocent, true, and romantic, But why, Why me and not someone with a prettier face, Why me, I don't deserve it, any of it, I think, I didn't do anything important or helpful, I'm puzzled, Perhaps my wishes are finally being answered, What if, This person, this man, is the one for me, And the kiss, It was just as I had always imagined it.

Just "friends"

Alone in my room Listening to our song You went away And left me here Just walked away and Disappeared I’m thinking its Something that I did I wasn’t good enough That must be it I’m here Trying to be brave, Trying to say a sentence without your name. I long for your love More than I ever have Because nothing could be better Than the times that we had I want to Touch your lips, smooth your hair And feel your kiss But I cant anymore, Not like I could So long before Maybe one day, You’ll be mine And I just have To give it time But how much time Before it goes to waste How much more of this Can I take? I know My love wont end but for now ill just call you “friend”.

first love

Had those beautiful green eyes, My first love, Told them tender lies. My first love, Was sent from up above, I was the one he didnt want to love. As I sit here on my bed, Thinking about you, It haunts me when I think Those were never true. -I love you.-

No Sunshine

What happened to the friends I used to see? I walk through the streets, Alone with leaves clinging to my feet. Another rain cloud passes me by, No sunshine in the sky. Nightime comes, but there is no change. I'm still alone, dealing with the pain. Quiet, as a new day starts, Pale light chases away the dark. I'm still alone, crying from my heart. It's more than I can bear, I'm used to haveing friends who care. Noone who I can talk to, Everyone has gone, that is true. What did I do wrong? It has been so long, Since I could talk, And I'd be heard, While we walked. Now I walk alone, Silence everywhere, even from the phone.

So am I

whose husband just left her because she she lost her beauty. She's all alone. The girl who just got raped by her dad. He stole her virginity, her innocense. She's all alone. So am I. The alcoholic who beat his family. They took him far away. He's all alone. So am I. The girl who decided to abort her unborn child just because she didn't know the father. She's all alone. So am I.

Falling agian

I understandly thought I was But here you are again and I cant get enough Im Falling Again Since we started talking again I cant get you out of my head What can I do to make you see that I want you? Even when I wasnt talking to you I always thought about you Cant you see Im falling again? As that a good thang or a bad thang? Baby Im falling again and dont hurt me again....

Annoying Girl

you are an air horn All loud and annoying. You make everyone run with every blow. The shreeking sound of your voice makes people scream. You used to be different. You were a cute kid with a cute voice. Now you sound like a goose in heat. You aren't as pretty or smart as you think. You annoy other people. And to make it worse, you have the smell of milk that has been sitting in the sun.


Of thoughts and emotions that cannot go. Immediately it is you invading my brain, That slowly slowly, is driving me insane. I dream of you and how I see Us as a couple, together for eternity. Holding each others' hand and smiling away Day after day after day after day. When this day finally arrives, and I will see You standing there right in front of me. I'll burst into tears and hug you tight Not letting you go the whole night. Then I return back to reality, Aware that you are nowhere in the vicinity. I want you, tonight and forever. I'll stand right by you, and I will never Betray you or what we have got. Baby leave you...I shall not.

What Goes on is Our Seceret

Is a secret shared by those that love A secret shared by those that love is to know Profound desire, conceived on earth Yet so unwordly that the body finding a body And navigating by its touch, attains a peace A different place, another world, Peace as in death Oh, bed, lilting lullaby, sleep little girl Sleep tight The jaguar sleeps, the candid gagina sleeps, The last sirene sleeps, Puma, exhausted American beast Sleep, fulvous garland of your vulva And tose that love are silenced Between the curtain And the sheet still messed up By those secrets shared in bed

My Life

My life is tough, And I'm always left with no one to trust. Being along is how I want to be, Because of the betrayal from so called friends and family, Is always happening to me. Thoughts of suicide, Runs through my mind, Everyday at everytime. But the fear of no one caring if I die, Causes me to always cry. Why, oh why, was I born with the life I live? With this misery I can no longer bare to live with.

Love What is it to You?

crazy things,love is what every heart has, love is what people die to have,love is a fragile flower,love is pain,and pain is love without the two where would we be,love is what every one needs,sometimes hate hides underneath love,love is just like a bright light,it shines through the dark night,love is born deep within the soul,there it lives and grows into something more,love is something no one can escape,love is something that cannot be erased,love is something that cannot be caught and placed in a case,love should nver be taken for granted,love makes you strong and weak at the same time,love is worth fighting for, love is worth living for,love is worth giving a chance for, love is worth it,love comes with good and bad,its up to you whether you want it or not.

Less Than Zero

You’re gone, and I’m already dead Even though knowing how much I need you Not a single tear comes to my eyes It is over, isn’t it? You started the beginning of the end I don’t care as you don’t care But my suicide dreams will haunt me again Your fault My dying inside came so swift Not a bare chance of survival And you didn’t care Nothing is there when I need it No one comes when I am this far down So only call me no one And number me nothing
There Once

Had no might Had no life Had no will to live As the day goes by and by She thinks she watches She wonders why She wonders why she had to live and not to die You may think you know this girl I'm sure your wrong But you may think your right She talked He walked She lived He breathed This woman is very real to me As I think, and as I write I still think now

The Darkest Night...

your first touch in the darkest night it haunts me... Once there were many days and nights sharing a love as bright as any flame... sharing our hearts our bodies our minds... I have not forgotten your last sweet kiss in the darkest night the tears scald my face and I am alone... again


you're why i laugh and smile but i don't dare tell you that you're the one i want or that i stare at you from across the room you make me think that love can save us and without it we all are doomed when i am with you all my troubles seem to go away and when we are apart, they always seem to stay i am always looking for the perfect moment to tell you how i feelbut everytime i try i don't feel like you're real you're there and all, but the peices just don't add up, i love you... isn't that enough I love the way you look at me, and the way you walk down the hall I love you so much, sometimes i just want to bawl you're the one i want, and you're the one i love i wish i could catch, and hold you in a little golden glove i wish the world would stop turning and time hold forever still so my heart could stop aching and my love be you're will

My Poems Know

mind goes into all of my poems, my poems know more than me. They know things before I do. Its taken almost half a year to figure out that the man I'm with is the one I want to be with th rest of my life. The one that is just right for me. The one I want to get married to. The one I want to raise a family with. Yet as I look back at the poems I wrote half a year ago they say just that... How is it possible that although I write the poems they know more than I do? Is it possible that my poems come from something much greater? I don't know. All I can do for now is sit and wonder why and how? yet still be glad....

Have You Ever

And they said they dont care about you Did you ever live a life without a mother When you went to go meet her She says I dont love you Did you ever hear them words and want to die Why did she have to lie Did you ever feel lonely enough to cry Everything bad I tell her she will deny Did you ever have six relatives against you Where you're the only one there With no one to help your side Did you ever think because of that Your live is over Look inside, it isn't not over They are just trying to bring you down Show them they cant By living a good life without them

The Flames

My bare skin flickers, Vanilla shadows dance across my body. Like the fire you touch me, I feel it outside, inside. Your strong hands run down My face neck shoulders. Lips, warm as midsummer’s air press against mine. We touch, slowly melt into each other. You hold me firmly, but radiate so much love. Your body above protects me, comforts me. Our embrace wakes the senses, As if I’ve never felt anything. Every caress, movement, Reaches deeper into me. Fire of passion, longing Engulfs our single being. As the blood races, We are hidden from the world. Only you, me, and the flame

I knew

interwinded our two bodies it would be something exciting and new. A passionate kiss, a strong kind and gentle touch, we lov'd that one night so very very much. Desire burning strong in the heat of the night you lov'd me until everything was right. We sipped some wine, we spent some time, we make love like it was something new. I knew it was dangerous and so did you, but love burned strong and desire did to. Oh, if sex had only been enough to satisfy the bodies with each touch, but the minds met also which meant so very much. We promised to be strong and to stay apart, but most of all we promised not to love from our hearts. I knew it would happen just as night turns to day. With the rising of the morning sun from a gentle nights rest. I knew our love would grow, like the brightness of a early morning snow, then I was there back in your arms again, we grew to be lovers, but first we grew to be frineds, and I Knew again and again I knew.

I Need You

I got this jones for it in my bones For a man, who indeed took over my soul Understand, that I couldn't breathe, get on my knees til they're bloody red. see I don't know if you get it yet he's like a lighter to my cigarette Watch me smoke, I never knew another human lifeCan have power to take over mine, so I love it when I hear your name. I could never feel alone I give up everything I own for you, hold metwice it's almost a shame how I'm mesmerized, such a shame I lose my thought when I look in your eyes I know why, because your kisses make my lips quiver And that's real, and when you touch me, my whole body shivers I can feel, now I can see how another life You have the power to take over mine. You don't know what you've done to me I never thought I'd need you desperately It's kind of sick how I'm stuck on you But I don't care, 'cause I need you And how I feel will remain the same Cause you're my baby, listen and when the world starts to stress me out where I run it's to you boy without a doubt you're the one who keeps me sane and I can't complain you're like a drug, you relieve my pain, may seem strange you're like the blood flowing through my vain keeps me alive and feeling my brain Now this is how another human life could have the power to take over mine

no more

See, my days are cold without you But I'm hurting while I'm with you And although my heart can't take no more, I can't keep on running back to you I think I've found my strength to finally get up and leave No more, broken heart for me No more, telling your lies to me I'm looking like I got my head on right so now I see No more, giving you everything There's no more taking my love from me Glad to wake up everyday without you on my brain No more, waking up late at night No more, having to fuss and fight Proud to say that I will never make the same mistake No more, thinking about what you do There's no more me running back to you.

Feeling's For You

to believe. I can't get through all these mixed feelings I feel for you. So I sit here and think of how it only took you a drink. Till you broke my heart yeah you tore it apart. As I walk in the rain I think of all the pain you put me through. I can't get through all these mixed feelings I feel for you. Every time I think of you and me. I wonder if it's truly meant to be, or if it's just a course that is pulling with so much force. No I can't get through all these mixed feelings I have for you.

My Fault

All I wanted was for you to stay I never lost in anything All I wanted was something Something from your sight Something from your might Something that was real Which would make me feel I would cry If you would lie I would run and hide Even though I wanted to be by your side Everything made me mad That would make you sad I couldn't help it I'd always have a fit I knew you wanted to leave me Just as I knew there was another Then you gave it a hault Guess it was all my fault

Falling For You

Stuttering thoughts, Rippling emotions It is like that I say internally We spoke...Talked this out Love is not an option But I'm a woman And intimacy brings forth much emotion I watched you grow more beautiful by the second And see your eyes, The eyes of my lover Burning a desire deep inside of me We can't go there I tell my heart We can't...we just can't But love blinders come forth And I need...And I miss Stuttering emotion Internal commotion A heart venerable To your destruction Or devotion

A Little to Cautious

I was a little too cautious, I liked you, You liked me, Now I kick myself, For being distracted, Your personality blinded me, I wasn't sure if you were for real, Or if you were just playing, I assumed you were just playing, I assumed wrong, Then you tried to express yourself, I didn't want too get hurt, And I was a little too cautious, I'm sorry.

To Be Perfect

I shouldn't have to pretend. You should like me for who I am, And consider me a friend. You should like the things I like, And know my favorite song, Be there when I'm alone, And make me strong. You should know the things I hate, Though you don't have to hate them too, You should never use them to hurt me, Because I would never hurt you. You should stick around when I confess, The way I really feel, And even if you don't feel the same, Give me time to heal. If you want to be perfect, Be all the things above, Be the opposite of the guy I had before, Who took advantage of my love.

Be Okay

Now the only way I can be with you, is in my sleep Before you liked me, Now you don't And now I know you always won't You fell in love with my friend, Which practicaly told me that it was the end! But thats okay, I'll be alright I'm not the type to get in a fight! Your not the only one, Your not worth my tear I shouldn't always be in fear! If I lose you, which I already had I will not be mad, or not be sad. Instead I will just be glad For someday I'll find someone too And hopefully he'll be just like you.

Take My Advice

You took all my problems away But once you wore off The problems came to stay I pushed people to the edge Never letting them get close I almost lost my one true love It was like I had died and become a ghost I'll give you all a piece of advise Dont let friends and drugs run your life They just cause you to lose everything It was like slitting my wrist with a knife I was one of the lucky ones I broke free of the mean trap You may not be so lucky You could get in deep crap Take my advise now You'll thank me some day When you are alive and happy And your days of dope are tucked away

Fully Grown

In a world where 16, Is supposedly full grown, I'm treated like a child, But being young is out of style, Adulthood is ripping at my seams, I don't wanna go, Just wanna stay where I been, All I'm ever gonna be, Is someone that'll never change, It's always gonna be me inside, And that I'll always stay the same, I may look different, Change the color of my hair, But my eyes will always be my mine, I'll know that, When I look back and stare, You can take away my sight, But I don't need that, To know I'm alright

You're Dreams

I know what makes you sweat And moan in your sleep. What makes you wake up breathless. Our writhing bodies Your searching hands on my body Your lips upon your skin Fantasies of the flesh Traveling the roads of no mans land Straight to the center of my womanhood The thing that taunts you And brings you to your knees in worship. I know your dreams For those dreams torture you For you know that it could be real But your strict ideals make it a nightmare


Every night you don't come home You never see the tears I cry Do you even see my pain? Why do you treat me so badly Am I really what you say I am? No one loves me like you do No one hurts me like you do No one knows the hell I go through Why do you yell and break things Then tell me it's my fault? What have I done to deserve this? The more you hurt me, the more I love you I need the pain to feel your love You say I'm stupid you say I'm worthless Why does your love feel like hate? Why do you make me love you I could never be pretty enough I could never be smart enough For you

How I Feel

Once again I have betrayed myself, Bringing me to dream. Everything is so blurry,nothing makes since, Right from wrong is hard to tell. Tomorrow seems so far away. Strength is really all I need Though it is nowhere else to be found, I find it in you. Everyone tells me to just let go Very seldom does anyone see that I am not that strong Eventually they will leave me alone Nobody seems to notice that I am hurting Maybe in time, my broken heart will heal Although in my dreams, you love me But reality lets me see that a dream is only make beleive Even if it seems real, IT ISN'T.

Suicide Story

its cause you felt left out. I'm sorry if I made you sad, i did'nt mean to make you mad. You always felt like no one cared, but we were there. Thats ok i know it's hard, I hope you like your life at large. Send me a message when it's my time to go, you left too soon, now it's my time to go.

My Friend

I can't believe I didn't see your face, Why wasn't I there, To give you care? Why didn't I stay, To keep you away, From the pain you felt, But didn't share, I couldn't see you dying there, How did I not see your fading gace, You stood alone in your broken home, Feeling like you were all alone. Not knowing I was there every step you took, But now i cry every day your gone, Wishing you were still around, To give me strength to carry on, But since you left me here and now, My life goes swiftly like the sound, My last heartbeat will beat for you, My body hits the dirty ground, Not ever hearing of the sound, I never even saw you there, I'm sorry mom I thought you were gone.


They love you too much. Do you think I could borrow them And experience a loving touch? Woe to you They actually care; They're always around, What miserable dispair! Maybe we can switch And you can have mine; Then maybe you'd know pain And maybe you won't whine. I would give my life Just for one small taste, Of the joy you take for granted And the happiness you waste.


he comes like a thief in the night stealing lives from people and cuttin unhealable wounds in others, life hangs in the balance of all by a thread that can be cut at anytime and weather you are alone or with many that love you death does not care he just does his job

Promises I Give You

That I’ll always love you I’ll never mean to hurt you Because seeing a tear from your eye Will just make me die I’ll never leave you Without you, I am the sun without the sky I am the breath without the air I am nothing until you are with me Sharing everyday of my life and dream The only time I’ll leave you Is when I am going to my grave But love you have to know I gave you love as I never gave before.

Torn Existence

Blink in existence, torn before my eyes and jagged bolts scream out in silent rage withdrawing to darkness untill the next stage Rolling crashing bellows, echoes collide Thunderous shaking fury, blackened skies divide and in this mastery of madness I stand back in awe watch brilliant veins of power mother natures claw Thrashing from obscured heavens, violent frenzy howling Rampaging pounding torrent, scornful banshee prowling and the deep biting deluge stings my dampened hide awakened by the pulses of this fierce electrostatic ride Darting flashing rays, weaving in the night Bursting sound abounds, explosion after sight and then the final bolt disappears before my eyes a parting growl gives hint to the passed rage across the skies Retreating rumbles calming in the evening air Splintered clouds parting reveal a moonlit lair and shining beams now dance across the peaceful landrefreshing to the evening and I from where I stand


I new you where special, I felt it in your words. As the days went by, I always looked up high, And thought of you flying in the sky. As the day would turn into night, And the sun would fall behind the mountains, I would feel this warmth in my soul. Even though we have never met, I feel your warmth, I see your face, I feel the beating of your heart. Is this a gift

Blood Red Rose

Trapped in the teardrop of a memory Those days, long past, become distant and grey Behind the wooden doors that take no key She looks over her shoulder at times past Shrouded in a dark veil of blackened lace And lifts her blood red rose, ready to cast It's meaningless beauty into Earth's base Her mind that once held thoughts of the future Is now blanketed by nothing at all Searing darkness completely surrounds her And the blood red rose begins its short fall As rose lands in Earth, a soft thud is heard Once-perfect vision has now become blurred.

a little touch

it came from above. It drifted down with the slowest of ease, I'm begging, never take this from me please. The feeling I get when it touches my heart, Is the feeling I hope will never part. I hoped that you and me would be together, I wished it would last forever and ever. If you could only get in my eyes and see, How much you will always mean to me. A relationship always has forgives and forgets, There always seems to be too many regrets. All that I really wanted to say, Is that I love you in every single way

Never Forget

i'll never forget how you made me real. i'll never forget the crazy things we'd do, never forget how much i loved you. i'll never forget the smiles we shared never forget how much i cared. never forget how it felt so right, i'll never forget how we would fight. never forget the secrets we hid, i'll never forget what you did. never forget the feeling of goodbye, i'll never forget the way i'd cry . never forget how much you meant to me, i'll never forget the way it used to be.

Thats All I Wanted To Say

back to the times when our love was a new You were my Prince Charming That I had waited for so long Now a year has gone by You've become my best friend You've managed to keep my smiling I still thank the heavens for your love I couldn't have asked for more My love, my prince, my one and only When times were rough you always stood by me When you were sad I made you laugh We are always there for one another There's no where else I'd rather be Than in your arms for eternity You've loved me unconditionally Thank you for always being there for me I love you That's all I wanted to say

Forbidden Love

Sheer to the look, Silky smooth to the touch. Words whispered in utter silence, Of romance and lust, Of feeling never exposed. The soft gentle kiss, From those cherry red lips, Is so hot to the touch. The racing of heartbeats, In syncopation wit one another, Bonds and fuses, To make them become one. The touch of two bodys, Intertwining and meshing, To make passion explode.

Feeling Death

I find peace among the living dead. I sometimes I wish I could join You could see xactly how it feels To have your body lying in a coffin And surrounded bt cold cement but 2 have your soul roaming this hell Blasted earth and if I could have One wish it would simply be this, To die or come close and be resurrected From the icy grip of death itself only To appreciate life itself more that I see. Or even to die and be among friends would Be my dream I would even give up my soul Just to feel what you feel. Remember this, There will be always someone That understands your feelings.

Just A Shadow

Of what I used to be. A faint heartbeat so deep inside... A faded memory. You're just an image; A picture on the wall. Bright smile beneath a darkened sky... Before the fall. Life is an illusion, A scattering of Dreams. It's not so bad if I pretend... It's not all as it seems. I remember when The world was bright and blue. I will remember you for ever.

High Scool life

Trying to finish up my homework and studying for tests, My cheeks were drenched in with a thousand tears For all my frustration and moments of stress I see my reflection inside the mirrors The days go by slowly with much to do Toiling from sun up to sun down Hassled, seeing no way through, My face smiled with a frown Carrying loads of books back breaking, I squint against the sunlight, my eyes dimmed. Irritated by the teachers nagging Interminable high school life seemed Shed no more tears for these years will reap their rewards and success to me afford.

Good-bye Teacher

U were always there to lend a helping hand. U made jokes to brighten our day, And u always made u always made fun of band! When grades low and tears high, U where there to wipe our eyes. When family problems came up, U would come a running up! U told us never to give up, No matter what to what. U taught us to be great, U told us to step up to the plate! Now u are leaving us for good, No matter how much we beag are pled. U left a dent in all our hearts no one every could erise! Now as we weep our tears, We wright and say our good-byes. But there is one thing we wll always know, U ARE THE BEST TEACHER WE HAVE EVER KNOWN!!!!

Last Helpless Scream

when the sky was pitch black her family asleep she snuck downstairs and "borrowed" a knife from the kitchen drawer. Without a clear thought in her confused mind, she held the knife to her throat. Trembled slightly, now unsure. She dropped the knife Heart aching, head pounding, she saw the world spin by. On her knees she sobbed, screamed but no one seemed to hear or care. Once again she reached out for the knife and closed her tired eyes. Aimed for her throat and stole her only chance to live.


For being all that I am? I'm so sorry... For all my failures All my shortcomings My insincerities My "God-given" weaknesses My unworthiness In the face of your obvious perfection- I tried to be what you wanted What I thought I wanted And once again I made you unhappy Accept my apoligy I never wanted to fail you I did not ask to be This one that I was born as This discret, well hidden Failure Forgive me


He's got your logic all out of line, He kisses you just the way you like, And holds you to him all through the night, You feel so lucky to be with him, You draw a heart-his name within, But in your mind you know, everything he does is all for show, You know your not the only girl he kisses like that, Your not the only girl he holds like that, You know he'll never be there for you, When your feeling so blue, But still.. This boy.. this kiss.. this embrace.. it's so unforgetable, You've got a feeling no knowledge could erase.


I think of you all the time The thought of you puts me to sleep at night, I lay there and think of you every single night I long for you to be with me, but you are just too blind You cannot see my love, you only think of me as a friend, I can accept that, but my feelings will never end. All I have to do is see you, and I'm filled with love inside. I'll love you forever, until the day I die You always brighten up my day, just by the slightest glance my way. I hope someday we can become more than friends, otherwise, I'll always wonder what 'could have been'

To Know Someone

You wait your entire life for that special love. Then it is unreachable. Perhaps because of fear, perhaps because of circumstances or perhaps because of love itself.

A special Relationship

that leaves an emptiness within you if you cannot hear the other person's voice. But that makes you feel whole again with one gentle hello A special love of longing night, after, night for just the sight of them. or just the feeling of knowing that they may care too. A love that you know in this lifetime you will never feel again. nor would ever want to feel again, if it brings you this much pain not to have it. That deep within your soul your love is the same as mine. We belong together. We need each other to make our lives complete. My only one, my treasured one, my special love.


that has been forever killing my pride i get up it knocks me down again i feel crushed and then it takes me down to hurt some more it shows me whats in store people have put me through so much pain from this i never have any gain i swear people just like to hurt and make others feel like dirt and now you have hurt me so why then cant you see the way you make me feel how the pain inside is real i was up you pushed me down i fell into the ground there i shall forever remain all because of this pain i hate you for what you have done your the one who made this outcome

Locked Away heart

They didnt help much with my over-reactions I wish everything could go back to the way it was But i know that wont happen just becuz They way i have treated you at times is wrong But the love in my heart still stays strong I wish i could take back everything i have done But if i did that you would be gone One thing i wouldnt take back is you Cuz you in my life, with your eyes so blue you opened my heart and my mind And out of all things is still very kind I miss you when your away Exactly like today and yesterday So i ask you this from the depths of my heart I will understand things and soon become smart Cuz how can i get jelouse of someone you turn down Even though before seeing you with him gave me a frown so will you please re-think your life with me And if you find it in your heart you will get the key

schroudderd by mist

Who would write in the dark. Because there was no hope In light. She saw herself Slashing her arms, Ripping her hair, All in a fit of despair. While the mist shrouded All of her acts, She stared at herself In a mirror. Did she like what she saw? No, she hated it. And while her tears Blurred her vision, And ran down her cheeks, She screamed.

Take Me Back

to the day when u and i were unseperable take me back to the day when u told me u wanted me forever take me back to the day when u told me everything would be ok take me back to the time before you said all we had needed to end


And Cindy Grew up:

Cindy wanted to cut a new deal with God, but so many things were happening between her legs she found it impossible to concentrate. She propped herself up on her elbows and looked down. "Let me see it," she said. She waited, but the only reply she heard was the sound of labored breathing. The sweat on her forehead ran down the bridge of her nose into her eyes. She used her naked shoulders to wipe it away, turning her head to the left, then to the right, and then tilting it back to relieve the ache in her neck. It didn't help. She looked over the yellow stained sheet covering her midsection, down to the frizzy gray hair of the old woman's head. "It's not a coat hanger—is it?" The old woman looked up. "Relax," she said in a gravelly voice, and horked out a smoker's rattling cough. Feeling the damp lung air on the insides of her thighs, Cindy jerked her knees together, digging the crusty edges of the leather strap into her ankles. "Cut it out," the old woman said, and went back to work like a plumber under a sink: cigarette smoke, squinted eyes, dirty shirt, tool in hand. Everything but a flashlight. Cindy dropped her head back on the table and fingered a ring on a gold chain around her neck. A naked light bulb hung at the end of a cord above her face. Give me a sign, Lord. Flicker. Brighten. Dim. Nothing. She chased rainbow spots on her retina. What do you want me to do, go blind? She waited for an answer, staring. The bulb glowed steady as the sun. Warm fingers penetrated her body—then something sharp and cold. Her back snapped into an arch; a grunt escaped her throat and her fingernails dug into a plastic daisy on the shower curtain covering the table. She struggled back onto her elbows, breathing hard, straining to keep her arms from splaying out on the sweat-drenched plastic. "What ... are you using?" she said. The old woman stopped a moment and looked at her wearily, as if she'd heard this question many times before. Blinking slowly, she with drew the instrument and held it straight up, like a lightning rod. Cindy eyes widened. It was a stiff wire about a foot long with a slight banana-shaped curve, one end hammered into a tiny spatula, the other wrapped in electrician's tape to form a handle. Its black paint had been worn off long ago, removing any sign that it once had, indeed, been a coat hanger. It was so bizarre, so unlike anything Cindy could imagine being inserted into herself; she thought it was meant for someone else. "It's just a tool," the old woman said. "Now lie back and relax." She lowered the wire beneath the sheet and returned to work. "Listen to the radio," she said in the tone of a busy mother talking to a pestering child. Cindy laid her head back and placed her forearm over her eyes. Get me through this. Lord and I swear I'll never have sex again. She peeked at the light bulb. No sign. And no surprise: she'd cut that deal six months ago. She lifted the ring from her chest and looked at the crystal intaglio of an angel standing with her wings at rest, sword in hand, foot resting on the severed head of Satan. It felt like a hundred years ago that Mike had given it to her. She'd have to leave it as collateral until she could scrape together the rest of the two hundred, but lose it? Never. It was the only item of value she owned, the one thing she'd never let go. She laid the ring in the hollow of her neck and touched it, eyes closed, wondering once again how she got into this mess. She'd already been over the causes a hundred times—an unlucky time of the month, her boyfriend Bobby's perpetual sexual motion, a broken condom, assuming he'd used one—but she was tired of this line of reasoning, sick of blaming herself. It was time to look at the big picture, the forces beyond her control. Put that way, the answer was obvious: the Nazis. If it hadn't been for them, Mike never would have been drafted and gone ashore at Omaha Beach, or been killed on some muddy French road fixing a flat in a rainstorm, leaving her a widow at the age of twenty-four. If it hadn't been for Adolph, she never would have been fooling around with guys like Bobby, filling voids, satisfying urges, looking for a new husband, a job, anything with some hope attached. Amazing, wasn't it? A sawed-off German with a Charlie Chaplin mustache and one ball (so they said) had reached halfway around the world, taken away her husband, killed him, and now had placed her spread-eagle on a kitchen table. . . She felt something strange happening in her pelvis and pictured Uncle Tad building a ship in a bottle. Play a game, she thought. Guess which is worse—the physical pain or the idea of the thing. It didn't work. She took a deep breath and expelled everything inside her. Everything she could. Adolph, nothing. You’re the one who broke the rules, Cindy. You’re the one who pays. She lifted her arm from her eyes and looked at the brown Philco radio on the kitchen counter, a coffee cup stuck to its top. Glenn Miller's "String of Pearls" started up. Well, what do you know? God's finally talking. It was the same song she'd heard over and over the night she'd gotten pregnant. Rubbing it in, but talking. Another jab inside her pelvis, another phlegm-rattling cough, over her midsection, another tightening of her thighs. She saw a Listerine ad in her head with mouth germs as big as centipedes. A wave of nausea rolled over her, stinging her throat with soured French fries and chocolate shake. Another phlegm-soaked cough from the old woman spewed over her skin, but this time she didn't move. Funny, how fast a person gets used to things. She remembered her honeymoon with Mike at a lake in the Ozarks, the run-down room they'd paid for in advance and couldn't afford to leave. The first night she'd found a roach in bed she'd turned on the lights and sat up half the night reading old Look magazines. But after a week of swimming and sunbathing and making love, she found herself sleeping like a baby, flicking the bugs out of bed in the morning as if they were cookie crumbs. It had amazed her even then how fast people adjusted, learned to cope, and handled whatever came up. Like her friend Annabelle, who turned tricks all night but still managed to fix her kids a hot oatmeal breakfast before passing out. Dear Annabelle. If she can handle it, so can I. Alls I have to do is keep hanging on for a bit little longer. A few more minutes, and tomorrow morning I'll be making roly-poly and singing Winnie-the-Pooh songs to my sweet smelling little girl. She closed her eyes and pictured the kitchen ... the ironing board, the radio, the black- and white-speckled oven. She could almost smell the sugar and butter and cinnamon baking. ... The old woman worked with intense concentration now; the critical moment was almost here, the moment when she'd find the canal to the uterus and carefully, steadily, push the rod into the pear-shaped womb. Once inside, she'd move the rod back and forth, rotating it as she went, scraping the lining with the little cobra head, hoping to hit the egg or at least create enough havoc and bleeding to wash it away. The concept was simple; it was the execution that was tricky. Not all cervices and uteruses were alike. She hadn't done this for years and at seventy-four her hands and nerves weren't what they used to be. She must have performed hundreds of these things before she'd quit, but the truth was, anatomically speaking, she had no idea what she was doing. She knew if you punctured the intestinal wall and contaminated the rod with feces, you'd give the girl blood poisoning. She knew if you scraped too much and scarred the womb too badly; the girl would never have children. She knew there was an artery in there someplace, but she'd never hit that before, and didn't plan to now. Oh, she'd heard rumors of problems cropping up now and then—some of her girls coming down sick, a few going to the hospital. But what doctor did better? Since she'd started in the twenties, she'd been arrested only three times, tried once, and convicted of nothing. No sir, she'd performed a valuable service and everyone knew it, including the police. All she wanted was to perform one more now. A pure-vanilla; get-the-bleeding-started, send the-girl home, garden-variety job. She reached under her wooden stool and pawed the linoleum floor, nearly tipping over the shot glass. Keeping an eye on the girl's face, she knocked back the rest of a Seagram's Seven and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand like a cowboy. After setting the glass on the floor, she picked up a dishrag and mopped the sweat off her forehead. Her nose ran, so she wiped that, too, and drew the cloth over the back of her neck. The soothing feel of it reminded her of hot summer nights when her husband would take a pitcher of beer off a block of ice and rub it gently on the back of her neck. My, oh my, what she wouldn't do for a cold draft right now. She dropped the rag to the floor, blinked away the fog, and pulled her wooden stool up a few inches. God, how she hated this part; if only there was a way around it. Stop stalling and get on with it. A muffled cough, a tug at her bra strap, and she was ready. Using her fingers as a speculum, she moved the steel rod slowly up-ward, toward the girl's canal to the womb, or where she thought it should be. Slowly, she pushed the rod deeper into the flesh. Easy now . . . take it easy. She pictured the protruding cervix as a compass: if the went deeper all around it, the center had to be the opening. She decided to go north first. She angled the tip of the rod upward and nudged. It sank a bit and stopped. So far, so good. She pulled it back an inch, rotated it to the east, and pushed again. The rod sank farther there, too. Good. Gonna be easy She drew it back slightly and went south. No problem. Then she drove it in to the west and…It didn't go. Hmm. Maybe she hadn't gone west far enough. She pulled the tool out and lifted a Ray-O-Vac flashlight off the floor. Spreading the girl with her fingers, she shone it into her passageway. Hoping to see the cervix, No dice! She set the flashlight down and reinserted the wire hanger, pressed it toward the girl's right side, and started the probe again. "Keep going," she muttered. It didn't. A bolt of pain shot up her sciatic nerve into her hip; she groaned and leaned back on the stool. "What's the matter?" the girl asked. "Nothing", sweetie. Everything's just fine." She sat still a moment, waiting for the pain to ebb, wondering what kind of geography she had in here. She took a deep breath. No way to tell without going in to check. If she could, She withdrew the rod. The girl lifted her head. "Is that it?" "Not yet, honey. Lie down." The old woman made her right hand as small and round as possible, squeezing her fingers together until the bones and cartilage hurt. Then she inserted it into the girl's body. The girl didn't react, but the old woman wasn't surprised. This far into the thing most girls were used to weird stuff going on down there. She pushed her fingers in farther—the girl's body tensed—then more—it squirmed—then the knuckles—The girl screamed, "Oh, Jesus! What are you doing?" The old woman knew if she could move past the pelvic bone into the soft, roomy center, everything would be fine. What the hell; she'd had girls who could take her whole hand without a whimper. Not this one. "Oh, my God! Stop!" The old woman grimaced and gave a shove. "Stop!" The girl screamed, grabbing the woman's wrists. The old woman withdrew her hand and peeled away the girl's fingers. "Oh, Jesus, that's it!" the girl cried. "That's got to be it!" The old woman found the dishrag on the floor and began mopping the girl's face. "Thought you said you had a kid," she said, making conversation. The girl covered her face and didn't answer. "It must have had to be a cesarean," she said, seeing that it wasn't. She stared at the girl's midsection, wiping blood off her fingers like an auto mechanic staring at a muffler. “Got yourself into some real trouble here, didn't you, partner?" she said, dropping the rag. "One thing I know for sure. Whoever the hell did this to you wasn’t your husband." At her age, girls rarely went through this if they were pregnant by their husbands. The old woman stood up, gently lifted the girl's hands from her face, and laid them next to her sides. Her eyes were wet and swollen, her cheekbones white from the pressure of her palms. She looked up at the old woman with pleading eyes. "Is it over yet?" "No, dear. Not quite." "I can't do this anymore." "You don't need to do nothing', sweetie." Using a corner of the dirty sheet, she wiped away the girl's tears and stroked her matted hair. "Just hold on tight and it'll be over in a jiffy." The old woman took the girl's left hand and massaged it, then placed it in the loop of a leather belt, buckled it, and did the same with her right. The girl tried to lift her wrists, turning her head to see them. The old woman said, "It's just to keep you from grabbing me again." "I don't want to be tied down," the girl said. "I can't reach my chain. It's twisted." Her ring had become trapped under her shoulder and the chain was cutting into her skin. The old woman lifted it off the girl's neck, placed it around her own, and tucked the ring down the front of her shirt to keep it out of the way. "When I give it back, we'll be done," she said. She shifted her weight on the stool, reached into her breast pocket for her cigarettes, and with the ease born of a thousand repetitions, jerked the pack downward, popping a cigarette halfway out. Her lips pulled it the rest of the way; she lit it, blew out the flame, and tilted her head back to exhale. After a second drag she reached under the stool and laid the cigarette across the empty shot glass. Her shoulders slumped. There was no escape. Holding the coat hanger, she pushed the girl's knees apart and once again guided the wire into her body. The cobra head bumped up against something she thought—hoped—was the cervix. She probed around it briefly, and then returned to the place where she thought the opening should be. This had to be it. She'd been there too many times for it not to be. She reached down, found the burning cigarette on the floor, took a final drag, and crushed it into the empty shot glass. Then, exhaling smoke, she pushed the wire toward the womb. She felt the girl flinch but heard no cry. Good. I'm inside. Carefully she pushed it in farther, waiting for the sensation of the tough uterus wall to be transmitted down the wire to her fingertips. One more inch now half an inch, maybe just a little more and she'd feel the back of the womb. Nothing. She wiped the sweat off her forehead with the crook of her arm.Never mind. Probably still a ways to go. She pushed the rod in more—she couldn't tell how much—but still felt nothing. She stopped anyway, she was in far enough. Had to be. She started to scrape. "That feels funny," the girl said. "Almost done, sweetie." She scraped for a few minutes longer, and then withdrew the rod slowly. It was bright red, which was good. She watched to see what happened next. At first it was a trickle, what she expected. Then it was more—maybe the girl didn't clot so well—then it was heavy—maybe she… It was a flood ... blood spurting out the girl's body in pulses to the beat of her heart. Jesus. The old woman wiped the sweat off her upper lip with her fingers, leaving a mustache of red under her nose. She mopped her forehead with the dirty dishrag and stuffed it between the girl's legs. "What happened?" the girl asked. "Nothing', sweetie. You're bleeding, but you're supposed to." The old woman pressed the rag into the girl's center and held it there. Feeling the heat of her body's liquid oozing through. After pushing the cloth inside as far as it would go, she stood up and walked to the bathroom, pulled the light cord, turned on the faucet, and lowered her hands under a stream of cold water, watching the girl's blood make red swirls around the chipped porcelain and disappear down the drain. A dirty glass caught her eye; she filled it with water and watched it tremble as she brought it to her mouth. She took a swallow, set the glass down, and examined her hands. They were pink and clean the hands of a working woman. Hands she'd seen many times before, glistening as they cleaned celery or rinsed dishes or gave her grandson a bath. Maybe they were shaking a bit, but they were clean. Goddamn it, they were clean. She looked into the mirror. The mustache of blood startled her; she wiped it off with her wet fingers and dried her face with a crumpled towel. Why the hell did you agree to do this? She asked her reflection. You told her you hadn't done one of these for years, but she wouldn't listen, would she? Well, never mind. She's free, white, and twenty-one. You’ve done your best. She shook another Pall Mall from the pack and lit it, holding the first rich puff of sulfur and tobacco until the scars on her lungs ached. She exhaled slowly at the mirror, softening the lines in her face. My God, Look at you. You’re so old. The silence from the kitchen caught her attention; she lifted the spotted glass and carried it back to the table. The girl lay chilled and quivering in a pool of blood, its edges spilling off the table onto the floor. Her head was turned to the side, eyes staring across the room. The old woman brought the glass to her parched lips, but she didn't drink. "Ray," the girl whispered. The old woman put the glass down and unbuckled the leather straps. "You're going to be all right, honey. You just lost some blood." ". . . Scared," the girl whispered. "Now listen to me. There are not nothing' to be scared of." ". . . Want Ray," she said. The old woman released the girl's hands from the straps and lifted her head to make her sip some water. "Who's Ray, sweetie?” “He the bastard that done this to you?" Water dribbled down the girl's chin. "Forget him. He is not here." She wiped the girl's mouth. "They never are." The old woman pulled the sheet up around the girl's neck and held her hand and felt her body begin to quiver. At first it was a tremble. Then it was a shake. Then the table legs creaked and popped as the girl's body sank deeper into shock. The old woman grabbed her arms and was holding them down when the kitchen door opened and a face peered into the room—the face of a pretty little girl of six or so with freckles and red hair and large, anxious eyes. "Mommy?" she said. The young woman on the table rolled her head to the side. "Ray," she whispered, reaching out. The little girl stood next to the kitchen counter trying to comprehend what she was seeing, understanding nothing, fearing everything. Her lips parted as if to speak, but the old woman said, "Ssh, not now," and she stayed quiet. Seeing her mother's outstretched hand, she walked to it on tiptoes, like a ballerina, and laid her fingers in its palm. It didn't close. She looked into her mother's eyes, which were deep and brown and had a glycerin-shine. "Mommy?" This time there was no response at all. The little girl's face begged the old woman for an explanation, for deliverance; finding none, she turned back to her mother, eyebrows lifted. Waiting for a sign of life. Her mother's fingers remained limp. She tugged at the hand gently at first… “Wake up. Sleeping Beauty!—then more firmly—Mommy, stop playing!—then frantically.” shaking her arm up and down, pleading with her to come back to life. In a moment her freckled face turned elastic and she began to cry, still clinging to her mother's hand, refusing to let go of her lifeline even though it had snapped before her eyes. The old woman dropped her forehead onto the young woman's chest and listened to the little girl begin to wail. “Shit” she whispered to herself. “And my last one too.”
