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About Me

I am a 22 year old college student. I currently live in Denver, CO, with my wonderful gf and her dog, and go to MSCD. I'm majoring in Computer Imaging.

1)Single or Taken: Taken
2) Your Age: 22
3) Birthday: September 21
4) Sign: Virgo
5) Siblings: Adrianne and Leslie
6) Hair color: dark blonde
7) Eye color: blue
8) Shoe size: 8
9) Height: 5'7"
10)Full name: Kristen Reynolds

~* R e l a t i o n s h i p s *~*

1) Who is your best friend? Greg, Jenna, Amber, Erin
2) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: yeaaahh.... :-)

*-;-*F a s h i o n S t u f f *-;-*

2) Any tattoos or piercing: rooks, ears 4 times, naval. took out my nosering.
3) Thongs or Granies? thongs

*-;-* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *-;-*

1) Do you do drugs: no
4) What are you most scared of: needing someone.
5) What are you listening to right now: nada
6) What car do you wish to have: one I bought myself
7)Who's the last person you talked to on the phone: KK
8)Where do you want to get married: in a vineyard, in Southern California or the French countryside, with a few friends and family (if they'll show)
9) How many messenger buddies do you have online right now: I don't know cause I'm not on.

*-;-* F a v o r I t e s *-;-*

1) Color: dark blue
2) Boy's name:
4) Girls name: Ryan, Riley, Reagan
7) Sports: swimming
8) Cousins: maybe Katie... who knows. I haven't taked to any in years.
9) Music: all, except country

*-;-* H a v e Y o u E v e r *-;*

1) Given anyone a bath: mais oui
2) Smoked: Once
3) Bungee jumped: not yet
4) Broken the law: probably
5) Made yourself throw-up: Once
5.5) Gone skinny-dipping? :-) no comment
6) Ever been in love: once, high school love. and twice, right now.
8) Gotten Drunk?: yes
9) Gotten arrested or almost?: who knows.

visit my livejournal at jupitereyes

AIM: soicouldfly
