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my poety

~*~I love the angel that protects me~*~
I close my eyes
As the wind rushes by
I’m falling
For my angel to protect me
I can't stay here anymore
I need you to be by my side
I think of all the times we shared
Tears well up
And I scream
I’m about to land
Forever broken
When I feel someone grab my hand
I open my eyes
And there you are
You gently settle me on the ground
You whisper quietly to the wind
I love you please remember this
Yours forever, Donovan
By: starkie


~*~ I Cry As Dreams Fall Down Like Rain ~*~

I cry as dreams fall down like rain
My life is crumbling all around me

My friends have shunned me
My family hates me

I sit in a corner, with a razor
The pleasure ripples over me

I scream to the lord
To forgive me as I take my life

My blood is so red
I smile lazily as it pools onto the ground

As I take my few last breaths
A tear runs down my cheek

As I think of you, and smile
I just wanted to say I love you one last time.

By: starkie


I squeeze my eyes shut
And take another shot
Trying to wash away my thoughts
I don't want to think of you no more
I keep shutting the door
Yet it keeps opening
On its own free will
The moments we shared
Beneath the twilight moon
You took my hand
And led me down this path
Suddenly you turned around
And our mouths touched
Your hand trailed down my arm
You pulled me closer
I groan as I stand up and leave
I don't want to remember no more
Why do u keep haunting me?
By: starkie


I try to calm my fears
I tell myself to stay
I don’t want to run away
I take a deep breath
But before I know it I’m running away
So far away, you can’t find me
You'll never be able to catch me
Once I think I finally lost you
I stop and turn around
And there you are
Just a step behind
You grab me in a fierce hug
And kiss me gently
And you tell me you love me
By: starkie


You are my dearest friend
I hope you know this
You lend me your shoulder
When I need to cry
You stand up for me
When people put me down
You can easily make me smile
When I’m feeling sad
And I just wanted to let you know
that I love you
Cause you are my dearest friend
By: starkie


~*~ Brothers lover ~*~
I saw u the other day
And we said, "Hey."
It was raining
And I was crying
I wanted you to stay
But you left anyways
I loved you so much
But all you felt was lust
I wanted to get back at you
But I wasn't for sure how to
Then I realized, I once was u'r lover
So now I’m u'r brothers!
By: starkie


*No matter where you are*
As you walked away
I fell to my knees
I can't hold back my tears
I scream your name
You stopped briefly
But continued on your way
I started running after you
I reached out to touch your arm
And you disappeared
I sit down dazed and confused
I looked left and right
Then I looked up
And I see you smiling down on me
Your hand touches your mouth
As you blow me a kiss
I close my eyes
As a calm feeling settles over me
I know you love me
No matter where you are
By: starkie


~*~I’m a tease~*~

I’m a tease
I do whud I please
I pick u up
And toss you down
I play for fun
Not for real
Don’t try to tie me down
I’ll break free and run away
I’ll come back
To taunt you
Then leave
I’m a tease
By: starkie


I feel like crying
Everything around me keeps falling
How can I believe in love?
When I see them fighting
I wanna scream!
And tell them to stop
But the look on u'r face
Breaks my heart
I can't say a word I’m falling into a deep abyss of sorrow
I struggle to keep my head above the water
But I’m drowning
I can't fight no more
I’m tired, so tired
I want to curl up into a ball
And hide from reality
I force my self to breathe
Trying not to cry
But I can't help the tears that slip on by
I’m dying inside
By: starkie


I told you I was dead inside
You kissed me
And brought me back to life
Your love makes me strong
Makes me wanna survive
I can make it in this world
Your love is like a shield
It protects my fragile shell
You hold me up to the light
I have no fear of falling
I spread my arms
And close my eyes
I feel alive!
By: starkie


U say u love me
Do u really?
U don't care whud I do
U never ask
How are you?
How was u'r day?
Why do u say u love me
U don't kno' me
Don’t kno' anythin' about me
Like my eye color
Or my favorite flower
Why do u bother with this farce?
This thing called love
Because all it does is bring us down
I think it's all a lie
And I don't want to lie no more
I’m a sinner
And I don't want to sin no more
Please forgive me
Cause I’m leaving
I’ve left ye before
But I always returned
But this time I won't
I’m never coming home to u again
By: starkie

Life is all a joke to you
Can’t u be serious?
Can’t u go for one second?
Without being cynical and cruel
I hate the way u joke all the time
The way u make fun of the ones u love
Or do u love them?
I kno' they love u
Even through all the pain u put them through
U left them stranded all alone
Years ago
Then u come back into their lives
My life!
Trying to be the father you should have been
Keeping things light
So stress won't over rule you
Give it up
We hate you
Can’t you see that?
We don't want you around
We don't want to talk to you on the phone
We don't want to love you
We try not to
We grasp to the pain in our hearts
To keep u from getting in
But u tend to slip through the cracks
U bring us up
And when u had u'r fun with us
U throw us down
Broken and abused
To suffer it all agin'
Untill the next time u want to have sum fun
Why can't u just leave us alone?
Cause life is only a joke to you
By: starkie


The bed squeaks as u lay down
When there is no sound
I close my eyes
Trying to forget the lies
Soon I feel u'r touch
It burns me so much
I tell u to stop
I say no
But u don't listen
U keep groping' me
And hurting' me
I’m tryin' not to cry
Tellin' u to leave me alone
You push me off the bed
Screaming off your head
The baby wakes
I’m so afraid
And so mad
I push you against the wall
As I reach for my baby
U grabs me by the hair
You twist me down onto the floor
Ripping off my clothes
The baby is screaming
And I’m crying'
Beggin' u to stop
You begin to hit me
Making me see stars
Everything being’s to slow down
Everything is begining to turn blurry
I can't hear anythin' your saying
U’r riding' me
But I can't feel anythin'
I slip into unconsciousness
To never wake again
By: starkie


why can't u just trust me
why can't u just stop and see
i'm a teen
i don't want to be mean
but i wanna get away
i don't want to be home night and day
i wanna run free
so whud if my friend is a he
it's not like were doing anything
we have fun just playing
just enjoying the peaceful night
enjoying a light
i have a boyfriend
my guy friend is just a friend
i will not cheat on donovan
i love him dearly
right now i may be in a crisis
cause i'm not sure if love does exist
but i will not screw my guy friend
i will not ruin our relationship
that is built on years
and years of knowing each other
i love him
but only as a friend
my heart and soul
belongs to only one guy
his name is donovan
my one and only
by: starkie


Sitting here popping pills
Trying not to deal
With all my issues
I reach for another tissue
I’m weak
Acting all meek
Then snapping at the people I care about
All I feel is doubt
I feel like my life is unreal
It’s not the real deal
Walking around like in a movie
I want to break out and come back to life
I grab a knife
To slash my way through
Just to prove
But I fall down
My life is turned around
Keeps getting worse
I pop a few more pills
Getting sleepy
My eyes won't stay open
No matter how hard I try
I feel no remorse
A lazy smile plays around my lips
As I fall into the deepest sleep
Where I will never awaken
By: starkie


Don't be afraid
The call was made
God loves you
He needs you
To come back home
You'r not alone
I am here
Always near
Just close your eyes
And say u'r goodbyes
Relax u'r body and mind
And be kind
When you see the end
I won't forget to send
My blessings and love
To you up above
So goodbye for now
Until some how
We meet again
By: starkie
