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I caught me a Leprechaun,
and you know what that means!
I got me three big wishes!
I wanted so many things.

I wanted silver, I wanted gold,
and riches beyond my place;
castles all in clover,
and love and a beautious face.

"So what will be your wish number one?"
asked the Leprechaun all in green.
"I wish I might have beauty,
the most bewitching ever seen."

"Done!" said the green little Leprechaun,
all with a wave of his hand.
"And I wish," I said, "to have riches,
the greatest in this land."

With a flourish and a flutter they did
appear, great beauty and my gold.
And then, I wished for a lover fair,
all that my heart could hold.
Bedazzled I was when I saw him there,
my knight in armour, Bob.

"Thank you, Leprechaun," I gushed with glee,
"You've done a most splendid job."
But the Leprechaun stood near me,
seeming unanxious to leave.

"I'm glad you know your mind, lass.
So many waste wishes, you see."
So enraptured I was with my bounty,
I hardly noticed when that wee little,
green little Leprechaun began
chattering away again.

"Tis a bonnie day, is it not, my lass?
Don't you wish, lass, it would bid
to stay like this all year long?"
And I replied that I did.

The little Trickster laughed with mirth,
and then my face did fall.
"The rules be, lass, if a fourth wish
you make, then you lose them all!"

Snowy's Little Corner
The Three Wishes
Written By: Mark Shapiro

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