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My Homepage

Hiya all! Welcome to my website *s. I know it is in shambles but please bear with me as I haven't quite figured everything out yet. Please be patient with me, eventually I will have it up and running or at least I hope. Anyway, for those of you who don't know me, my name is Jamilynn. However, J or Cowgirl has now become the top 2 choices by my friends. I will just leave that choice up to you *s. Now a little about myself. If you know me or get to know me you will come to know this quote very well,” I’m just me,” plain and simple. I am not an over ego'd person who thinks that the world and its wife revolves around me. I have been told that I am a "crusader for love,” and on this I will have to agree. This is one matter of the heart that you do not want to take before a Judge and Jury. I will fight until the death to prove you wrong. The passion that you find within my eyes, my heart, and my soul will knock you to the ground. Ok, Ok, I’m getting of my soapbox now otherwise I will be on here forever *s. Just know this, I am a very compassionate, open, honest, caring, and loving person. I am very careful with whom I let past the barriers around my heart. If by chance you are one of those few who have gotten within my heart and soul, I say this to you now, “ THANK YOU for being someone I love, care about, and will treasure my whole life through.”
Once in your life an ANGEL appears. She may not be in your life forever, but maybe if your open your eyes long enough to see you will realize that your soul was caught up within her wings. No matter what continues on within your life, YOU will be able to look back and see, that she is still there with you unconditionally and ALWAYS will be….

Even though love comes in many forms never give up hope in finding the one who will take your breath away. The one who makes time stand still, the one who you know within the depths of your soul you will LOVE and cherish from now until eternity. No matter the distance, no matter the fears, never lose hope in the love that you have found within each other. Distance as well as fear can be overcome as long as you let LOVE lead the way. Patience is something that most of us have lost in the fire of the wait. Be thankful for every moment you share, and never lose sight in knowing that you are there with them. Just close your eyes and let their love wash over you. At that moment you will know that they are there with you through every tear, every smile, every hope, every dream, every fear and like you, they can feel your love too.
Written for Someone VERY SPECIAL in MY LIFE
Won't you give yourself to me for just one moment. Look into my eyes and see the world as I have painted it. I am not asking for you to give yourself up completely, I'm just asking you to step outside yourself and enter into my soul. To find the sanctuary I have built, to see the world through MY eyes. My only ambition is to show you that the world is capable of “True Love & True Friendship.” To show you hope in a world full of "humans.” There really are those of us who want nothing more than to be here when you decided to descend, and to take your hand in ours and help in FINDING the REAL YOU......