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You know....that one chick
Thursday, 12 August 2004
Hi again. well not too much has happend, got all my permit drama sorted out so I CAN DRIVE LEGALLY! lol driver beware. naww ima a very safe driver *smirk* anyways, school starts monday!!!!! WHY GOD WHY!!!!! if you couldn't tell, im not real excited about heading back to class just yet. especially now that we're back to 7 a day. but i do miss my ppl. so i guess it'll be worth it. plus at least if im at school i won't be stuck here doing nothing everyday. anyways, that's about it for now. ttyl. luv ya lots

Posted by poetry/smithgurl07 at 1:06 PM
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Sunday, 1 August 2004
I HAVE A NEW BLOG EVERYBODY!!!!! i just figured i'd change things up a bit, so i just deleted the old one. ( plus there were some sorta...shall we say, unkind things about some ppl in the other one ) and there were too many of those entries to delete one by one, so here i am with a new one. Well, i'm home to stay, and only two weeks before we must return to the schools that we hate so much. sad, but true. at least my fish year is over. S'MORES BABY! and the summer wasn't a total waste, (even though it was much less intresting w/o summer bad to go to everyday. *tear*) we did go to vegas and i did have driver's ed. that was cool. for those who are following this blog from the original, you know the low points and i'd rather not revisit those issues. ppl already think black women are crazy enough w/o me telling you about my drama. any other way ( yeah justin i did just steal that from you, whatcha gonna do about it?) i think ima go to sleep since i gotta get up early in da morning. LOVE, PEACE & HAIR GREASE! night night

Posted by poetry/smithgurl07 at 5:52 PM
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