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Passion is what drives me, it is what clutters my deeper aspects, what forces me out of bed when i wake to go and find the new day, the only day I will live. Passion is the foundation for all poetry, for all emotion. Passion is the key to unleashing creativity and passion is the one thing that will bend reality to the mind of the individual. Passion is now. There is only now. Yesterday is gone and its memory haunts me, it fills my dreams and creatres my nightmares, yesterday is a memory and I cannot live a memory. Tomorrow is nonexistent, there is no tomorrow only a hope for a better day that stands to cripple me as I move to fall in love with the concept of a future, but tomorrow is promised to no man, but holds promise for every man and that is what is so dangerous about tomorrow...falling in love with a nonexistant hope. There is only now. There will only ever be now until there is nothing. The breath I have just let out of my lungs now belongs to yesterday's memory, the past has taught me, but I know better than to live it, yesterday is death in one of death's many forms. And there is no tomorrow, I am living this life and this life is living now and it is passion that drives me from one moment to the next living each as if it were my last, living, loving, fighting, dieing, this world is passion. Breath it in and live while living is here because there is no tomorrow, there is only passion. Take these words to heart...because after you've read them...they belong to yesterday. Away with you, go...Live.

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