Comparing psychologists with psychiatrists
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Steps to take to be a psychologist
It is a lot easier to become a psychologist.
It can require the minimum amount of schooling such as four years. You can also go to school longer to specialize in certain fields such as eating disorders, family, marriage, and even to be a sex therapist. Usually to become a psychologist it requires from five to seven years of schooling because you need a doctoral degree which will qualify you to work in many different places such as universities, health care services, elementary and secondary schools so you can teach or do

If you are really dedicated to become a psychiatrist it requires lots and lots of schooling. You have to be willing to commit to many hours a day learning about all of the disorders a person can have. They not only need to be able to identify the disorder but they need to know how to treat it and what kind of counseling a person would require. They also need to know which medicines are available and what they can prescribe as an alternative and what dose the person needs to function normally and what side affects it may cause.

(Many psychiatrists undergo additional training so that they can further specialize in such areas as child and adolescent psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, psychopharmacology, and/or psychoanalysis.) This extensive medical training enables the psychiatrist to understand the body's functions and the complex relationship between emotional illness and other medical illnesses. The psychiatrist is thus the mental health professional and physician best qualified to distinguish between physical and psychological causes of both mental and physical distress."

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What are some of the different areas of psychology?
Given the wide range of psychological issues in the public and private sectors (including private practice), psychologists can specialize in a variety of areas including as a:

Clinical Neurophysiologist who specializes in the assessment and diagnosis of brain impairment and how this affects thinking skills, emotions, behavior and personality. They are also involved in the rehabilitation and management of the effects of brain impairment and often work with other health professionals.

Clinical Psychologist who is trained in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental illness and psychological problems. Located in hospitals, universities, general medical practices, community health centers and private practice, they often work with general medical practitioners, psychiatrists and other health professionals.

Community Psychologist who works with community members and policy makers in considering the individual, social, political and environmental factors that contribute to psychological wellbeing within communities. They occupy a variety of roles in urban and rural settings such as local government, education, and community health and non-government agencies.

Counseling Psychologist who provides assessment, counseling and therapy to individuals, couples, families, groups and organizations. Their clients are, in general, people trying to cope with everyday stresses and the resulting emotional and social problems.

Educational and Developmental Psychologist who provides assessment, intervention and counseling services relevant to the management of developmental and educational issues across the life span. Specializations include life span transitions, early intervention, disability, problems of learning and adjustment in schools, career and family development and ageing.

Forensic Psychologist who applies psychological knowledge, theory and skills to the understanding and functioning of the legal and criminal justice system. They provide expert opinion to the courts in such matters as criminal behavior, child abuse and family court cases.

Health Psychologist who is concerned with illness prevention and health promotion. They have knowledge of, and assessment and intervention skills in, the biological, psychological and social factors that determine health and illness. They apply models of behavioral health in order to promote positive change and wellbeing.

Organizational Psychologist who seeks to understand the complex interrelationships that occur within the work context in order to improve organizational effectiveness and individual wellbeing. They apply psychological principles and methods to understand and influence work behavior, worker attitudes, organizational structures and organizational systems.

Sport Psychologist who provides psychological assistance to people involved in sport and exercise at all levels, who are seeking to enhance their achievement, enjoyment and social interaction. Sports psychology services focus on performance enhancement, personal development,well being and adjustment skills.
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