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Should you go to Lamorna

beware the 'Pipers Stones',

For there the 'Merry Maidens' danced

'til Lightning touched their bones.


All on a Sabbath morning,

then far beyond the day,

They heard the Faerie music sound,

and danced the night away.


In vain, the church-bell called them,

inside the old church tower,

But they could hear no Mortal sound

while in the Faeries' power.


They danced beneath the thunder,

in circles, then alone,

Until a bolt of Lightning struck

and turned them all to Stone.


So if you're near the 'Pipers Stones'

all on a Summer's day,

Be sure to leave a Faerie gift,

then hasten on your way!



Shirley Frances Winskill 2001