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Celtic Clasp


Pale green Circlet from the Past,

Steeped in History's caverns, vast,

What strange Powers do you possess?

Properties you can't confess!


Did you seal Saint Aidan's cloak?

Or some Pagan god invoke?

Were you born of Lindisfarne,

Hard by hill, and misty tarn?


Now I sense your Ancient Power

Emulating Memory's tower.

Thoughts and dreams assume a fire,

Killing me with wild desire.


Outward senses now are gone,

Past and Present, they are one!

Powerful,powerful, is the key

Hiding Time's dark secrecy:


Thoughts begin to think again,

Emotions rack a gnawing pain.

Pale green Circlet from the Past

What is this strange Spell you cast?



Shirley Frances Winskill 1990