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Tales From A Wartime Cellar 1939-1945


All cosy in the Cellar,

when the Air-raid Sirens went,

We children sat on sacks of coal,

not sure of what it meant.


We heard Ack-Ack guns thundering,

yet didn't feel afraid,

Too young, were we, to understand

the meaning of the raid.


We knew that bombs were raining down,

yet somehow, way down here,

With candles burning, flickering low,

we didn't feel the fear.


How 'green' and innocent were we,

we didn't understand

That War was wreaking havoc in

the air, and on our Land.


Next day, we didn't go to school,

just why, we were not told,

But when I looked at Mother's eyes...

........she suddenly was old.



Shirley Frances Winskill

Sept. 2001