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Walking Away


She got four A levels

last year

our Sue.

Three 'B's and an 'A'

That's 34 points.

I was telling everybody

even strangers out shopping.

People at work were sick of me


going on about University,



freshers' conferences.

Then the big day came

and Sue went

I cried for a fortnight

at home mostly

then one time at work,

til somebody said,

"Well, why did you let her go, then?"

I was too choked at the time to say

that Sue had to begin her selfhood

by walking away

and I had to prove my love

by the letting go.

But still

nobody at work has ever heard of

C Day Lewis.

Yet, you'd think they could understand

a Mother's love, though,

Wouldn't you?



Shirley Frances Winskill 1997