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University Challenge


Easter at our house was

Students sleeping

on air-beds

in sleeping-bags

in every possible place

known to mankind.

Notices on doors saying,

"Do not disturb until...."

Taxis arriving long after midnight,

(what will the neighbours think?)

Explosive giggles, followed by "sssh......"

Long-distance phone-calls

and me, (insane), saying,

"Of course you can phone your Mum, anytime",

(hope it's after six).

Endless queues for the bathroom,

Endless requests for food for starving Students.

Sitting upstairs watching black and white T.V.

to escape yet another Video party:

But the challenge comes

when the house heaves a sigh

and says, "Goodbye",

how not to cry......?



Shirley Frances Winskill 1992