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Teddy, Revisited.

Do you remember when I used to read aloud

to you and Sue, in the evenings ?

Sue would lean on me

sucking her thumb

clutching her Teddy

and you would fall fast asleep

surfacing only when I stopped.

I steadily declaimed my way, from, 'The Famous Five'

through to 'Jane Eyre', 'Wuthering Heights'

'Brideshead Revisited', too.

What puzzles me is

I can't remember when it all stopped.

Sue didn't suddenly make a statement one night

and say,

"Would you refrain from reading aloud, now, Mum,

because I've grown up" !

And you never said a word

neither did Teddy.

He just looks at me

when I'm dusting Sue's empty room

as if to say,

"Well, I enjoyed 'Brideshead Revisited', anyway".

(He used to pretend that he was 'Aloysius'

Sebastian's Teddy) !!!


Shirley Frances Winskill 1993