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Lumbago, (or Another Bad Back)


Now that the weather's turned so cold

It brings out aches in young and old;

I found last week that Cold and Rain

Had brought out yet another pain.

Once more I DARED to go and see

My Doctor, at his surgery.

He sighed, and said, "You have Lumbago,

Now go straight home, and boil some Sago,

And make a Poultice, really hot,

Then slap it on the painful spot!

Renew the Poultice every night,

And I am SURE you'll be alright."

I rushed straight home, did what he said,

Then staggered up the stairs to bed.

His rules, I followed, to the letter,

But, sad to say, I got no better.

I thought, "I must go back again,

I just can't stand this dreadful pain!"

I knocked upon the Doctor's door,

Exactly as I did before;

A grim-faced lady came to say,

"The Doctor's had to go away;

He must have rest, and simple diet,

But most of all, he must have quiet;

I was to say, if YOU enquired,

He had, most certainly, RETIRED" !!!


been fired,

gone to be rewired etc..)



Shirley Frances Winskill 1987