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Fibrositis or A Bad Back


Here is a lesson to us all,

To show 'Pride Goes Before a Fall',

For only last week, feeling clever,

I boasted 'I'd go on Forever'

I didn't know that seven days on

I'd need a plank to lie upon!

Of course, I had to go and see

My Doctor at his surgery.

Said he, "I've cured you of Bronchitis,

And back you come with Fibrositis.

Now take these pills, four times a day,

And stagger home, you'll be O.K.

Then lie and rest, and wrap up tight,

And rub this oil in, day and night."

(YOU think 'it's old-age coming on),

Alright, I know I'm ninety-one,

But in my heart, I'm twenty-two,

And just as full of Life as you!

At home, I tottered round the room,

Determined not to drown in gloom,

And then, Someone, of good intention

Thought he would test his new invention;

A chain and pulley o'er the bed,

(Provided that one minds one's head),

Will help to overcome the plight

Of getting into bed at night.

The same applies when climbing out,

The problem's solved, without a doubt;

So with the help of chains and pulleys,

And then, of course, my Winter Woollies,

I'm now the 'Life' of every party,

And, still a Black Belt at Karate !!!


Shirley Frances Winskill 1987