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The Case for the Miners 1974/93


It wasn't all that long ago, you know.

Anybody would think it was another generation.

I don't see any alteration at all

when I look in the mirror.

If you laid every word that's been written on the subject

end to end, I suspect that it wouldn't

cover a mile.

Oh, you can smile, if you like,

but the Miners' Strike

only seems like yesterday,

and in a way

their predicament's not much different

right now, is it?

You've only got to visit

some of the pits 'round here

and it's clear

to see the reality

of their situation.

If I were them, I'd take a long vacation

and not come back

until the Power Stations were begging for slack.

Well, they could be wrong, you know,

about how much gas we've got left.

Stranger things have happened at sea!

Oh, I wouldn't like to be

in their shoes, (the scientists I mean),

and have to say,

"There's been a slight mistake at the top,

er....could you all stop?

It'll mean double pay!"



Shirley Frances Winskill 1993