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To Have and to Hold


Here, in this love-scented darkness,

Let me lie warm and safe in your arms,

Let the world with its worries pass by us,

Let us drowse with the night and its charms.


As I feel your soft touch, reassuring,

As I hear your soft breath by my side

I think back down the years to our Wedding,

To the day when you made me your Bride.


But, my dear, that was just a beginning,

And our love was new-born, in its prime,

Until Destiny set the wheel spinning,

With Chemistry weaving the time.


Will this happiness go on forever?

Oh, I dare not foretell future years,

For a sense in my mind whispers, "Never

Take for granted the absence of tears".


But love and delight know no season,

Sustaining and fresh each new day,

We never will fathom the reason

Of Destiny's bittersweet way.


So our marriage grows strong and yet stronger,

Standing safe on the bedrock of love.

Let me lie in your arms a while longer,

Let us drowse with the darkness above.



Shirley Frances Winskill 1995