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Only We Two Know


Sometimes Sue will say to me,

"Mum, why do you always

do everything Dad says,

don't you have a mind of your own?"

Like, when it was the General Election

and you told me who to vote for.

That really made her wild!

She doesn't realise, you see,

that I like to be dominated,

that it makes me feel feminine, and lovable.

I suppose it's because you dominate me so gently

that I allow it.

(Well, we both know who's really Boss, now, don't we?)

But Sue just sees you as her Dad,

a leader

a loving Father

always there if needed

her rock and her fortress,

while I'm your meek disciple.

Only we two know

the secret chemistry

of the love we've shared through the years.

One day, if she's as lucky as I was,

Sue's children will say to her,

"Mum, why do you always do everything Dad says?"



Shirley Frances Winskill 1992