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A gypsy danced through the woods today,

I heard her singing.

The sun came out, and flowers sprang up,

with bluebells ringing.


Her long, long hair was filled with stars

of daisies peeping,

While shy, young creatures, unafraid,

from nests came creeping.


I had to stay, for joy to see

her brown toes dancing,

But sunbeams filtered through the leaves,

and caught me glancing.


Then, all at once the air was filled

with bees, soft humming,

And a fairy 'woke in an acorn-cup

and started drumming.


While elfin pipers piped on reeds

to join the drummer.

Then I understood, as I turned to go,

That the gypsy's name was.......Summer.




Shirley Frances Winskill 1993