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A Poem to Make You Think


I live by lakes and rivers,

My favourite food is fish,

Oh, I'm as strong a swimmer

As anyone could wish,

I dive below the water,

Where I can see so well,

I'm sure that you can guess my name,

But I'm not going to tell.

(rhymes with Jotter)

Although I'm slim, I'm savage,

I hunt by day and night,

I track my prey relentlessly,

And then I pounce and bite!

My den is in a crevice,

Or abandoned rabbit-hole,

I wonder if you've guessed my name,

How dare some child say, ' Mole ' !!

(rhymes with Boat)

I'm only very tiny,

Yet I can climb so fast,

I used to live in corn-fields,

But now those days are past,

For huge machines came reaping,

Nowhere my nest could wedge,

So now you just might find me

Fast asleep beneath a hedge.

(rhymes with Farthest House)

Oh, I'm the very wisest

Of anyone you know,

Yes, I knew every answer,

And haven't you been slow?

My little friends all come to me,

To ask for my advice,

They tell me all their problems,

And I solve them in a trice!

(rhymes with Scowl)

Well now you know just who we are,

So if you have the time,

Just choose your favourite creature,

Then write a little rhyme.



Shirley Frances Winskill 1985

