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Please, Mrs. Winskill


'Please Mrs. Winskill, write me a poem,

Leave all your housework, your washing and sewing,

What's that, you've got to cook your family a roast?

Just give them sandwiches, or beans on toast.'


'I want a scary one, the creepiest, the worst,

Forget about your family, we come first!'

'I'm going to tell, Miss, you promised last week

You'd do mine, first, not one for that freak!'


'What's that? You've got to fetch some flour and suet?

Just tell your Daughter that she's got to do it.

Forget about her Homework, she'll pull through,

When you were little did she help you?'


'Oh, come on Miss, you've got the time,

I only want a short one, but make it rhyme'

'If you don't write mine Miss, my Dad said,

That you've got your favourites, and he's seeing the Head'


"Oh alright! I surrender, I give in,

You knew if you pestered, you were sure to win.

But just hear this now, loud and clear:

You'll ALL be just perfect, for the rest of the year!!!"



Shirley Frances Winskill 1987