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Oh, who will be a Pirate, a Pirate with me,

And see a World of Wonder, upon the deep, blue sea ?

I know a Treasure Island, away across the foam,

So come with me my Sailors, and round the world we'll roam.

We'll hoist the Jolly Roger, and when a ship's in sight,

We'll race them, and chase them, 'til they give up in fright.

We'll rob them of the treasure, that's deep within the Hold;

My trusty band of Buccaneers will do as they are told !

There's One-Eyed-Jake, and Peg-Leg, and Long John Silver too,

You may well think that we're all bad, but that's what Pirates do.

We'll reach my Secret Island, and find my Treasure Chest,

All sparkling with precious jewels, and YOU can choose the best !

We'll have to post a look-out, to watch for Hottentots,

(They have a nasty habit of cooking you in pots) !

Our pockets will be bulging with gold and silver, too,

Why ! No one in the whole wide world will be as rich as you !

So, say you'll be a Pirate, a Pirate with me,

And share my World of Wonder, upon the deep, blue sea



Shirley Frances Winskill 1985