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When the Cannibals Came to Tea


There were loads of sweets, and chocolate treats,

And lashings of jelly all free,

But no one could eat, a sandwich of meat,

When the Cannibals came to tea.


First, One-eyed-Jake, took a big piece of cake,

Then dropped it in horror to see,

The Cannibal Chief, as quick as a thief,

Jump down from a Coconut tree.


Now, four of our crew, to count but a few,

Were all rounded and plump as you please,

So they shivered in fright, when they first caught a sight

Of the Cannibals' knobbly knees.


The Chief gave a shout, and danced in and out,

And then suddenly jumped on the table,

The rest of his men, after counting to ten,

Showed they too were all willing and able.


We started to fight, with all of our might,

Determined that they should not win us,

We were frightened you see, that they'd have us for tea,

Or maybe for one of their dinners.


I'm happy to say, that we won the day,

While the Cannibals ran off in fright,

And so with great pleasure, we buried our Treasure,

And then sailed away in the night.



Shirley Frances Winskill 1985