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~It Was All A Dream~
Tuesday, 24 June 2003
Convo With Ronda....
cherry_siren69: yeah b and are i cool.
cherry_siren69: hes stressed as hell right now tho....
qtfriend2all: why is that
cherry_siren69: his mothers kids are trying to get custody of them for no reason
qtfriend2all: oh he has custody now?
qtfriend2all: have u guys talked on the phone again?
cherry_siren69: nope
cherry_siren69: i dunno. we haven't been talking much lately.
cherry_siren69: he hasn't been getting any sleep and he's been so tired...i don't know whats going on with him
qtfriend2all: crazyness. i hope things get better with him for your sake
cherry_siren69: thnk u
cherry_siren69: Ronda..he used to be so happy...
cherry_siren69: and i don't know whats going on with him...
cherry_siren69: hes hardly online anymore now that he's not on house arrest anymore..
cherry_siren69: i mean...i feel like he's drifitng..
qtfriend2all: maybe he's dating someone there?
cherry_siren69: oh boi
cherry_siren69: well...the thing is..
cherry_siren69: we're...well...
cherry_siren69: you know..
cherry_siren69: so...i don't i know..
qtfriend2all: what>
qtfriend2all: ?
cherry_siren69: he says he wants me...
cherry_siren69: and he wants to be with me...
cherry_siren69: you know that kinda thing...
cherry_siren69: see...i've been wondeirng about know...if he was seeing someone else and all...
qtfriend2all: well the mouth can make the lips say anything girl
cherry_siren69: i kno
qtfriend2all: he has to show u this girl
cherry_siren69: i was just hoping you wouldn't say that...
qtfriend2all: Well I want you to be realistic Demi... I have been down that road with internet fuckers
cherry_siren69: Ronda I'm so in lvoe with him tho...I swear I've never felt like this ever...
cherry_siren69: it kills me when we're not talking...i mean...i don't think he'd do that to me...
qtfriend2all: Demi.... thats what I have said a million times before and it's never worked. I am going to tell you right now you cannot put yourself out like that or it's going to hurt you worse in the end
cherry_siren69: i kno...
qtfriend2all: you're actually scaring me
cherry_siren69: i don't know what it is tho...and i just don't wanna be with anyone..
qtfriend2all: because i know you're going to get hurt... you are saying all of the things that I used to say last year and I know how much that fucked my head up
cherry_siren69: yeah i'm scaring my self too ronda...i don't usually do this...
qtfriend2all: Demi, please.... until you meet this guy, dont grow attached
cherry_siren69: everytime i think about saying i don't want to be with him..this invisble hold just...gets me..
cherry_siren69: well...if he's that bad...why would he do all of this? what the hell is the point of all this?
cherry_siren69: i mean..if hes going to see someone else behind my is the point? i just don't get it...
qtfriend2all: Because thats what guys do! Someone has done that to me before
qtfriend2all: and they have offered no reason why
cherry_siren69: I wanna meet him.
cherry_siren69: i don't press the issue tho...
qtfriend2all: I would
qtfriend2all: this needs to be done
qtfriend2all: u guys have too much behind this
cherry_siren69: what do you mean by the last statement..
qtfriend2all: I mean that you guys supposedly love one another, why would u meet
cherry_siren69: he said something about not hving his shit together...
cherry_siren69: i'm thinking hes doing really bad...i dunno. i just..can't leave. i don't want to. i just don't know how hard it is for me...everytime i think about not talking to him again it just..cuts me.
qtfriend2all: well how is he doing bad
cherry_siren69: no more job...his friends are trying to pressure him into getting back in a gang and selling drugs...
cherry_siren69: plus that baby momma crap...
qtfriend2all: oh lord.... well cant u talk to him
cherry_siren69: about
cherry_siren69: ?
qtfriend2all: About everything
qtfriend2all: tell him how u feel
cherry_siren69: i mean...he says hes not going to do it...u know...get back in the gang and evreything...
cherry_siren69: i wanna talk to him about how i feel but...i dunno...
cherry_siren69: i don't wanna put a strain on him ..he's already under enough pressure
qtfriend2all: Fuck that
qtfriend2all: you have feelings invested in it
qtfriend2all: he has to show u some kinda respect dude
cherry_siren69: i'm bored as hell
cherry_siren69: call me crazy but i really think he likes me...
cherry_siren69: if i didn't think he did i wouldn't say it
qtfriend2all: No I dont think you're crazy. BUT I also know I have been in your EXACT situation before and heard the EXACT things and look where I am now! Have never even met the asses who were "in love" with me
cherry_siren69: hmmm
cherry_siren69: i don't wanna ask you what u think i should do because i'm not going to like your answer...
cherry_siren69: i just...can't let go for some reason...
qtfriend2all: Demi, it's not a question of liking it,it's a question of using your head
qtfriend2all: do you want the pain he is going to be giving you constantly?
cherry_siren69: no
cherry_siren69: hell no
qtfriend2all: well honestly sweetie, if he were different, and all that he said he was, he would be trying to see you RIGHT NOW
cherry_siren69: youre right.
cherry_siren69: i mean...he's everywhere but here....
cherry_siren69: i mean...i know he has kids and all but damn...
qtfriend2all: and im not even saying this because of my dislike for him. Demi, I honestly feel like you're me, doing the same fuck up thing that I did to hurt myself
qtfriend2all: and i dont want you to get hurt and jaded like how i was
qtfriend2all: cuz thats how they can do us
cherry_siren69: eh
cherry_siren69: ronda so many guys are me their numbers and offering me to take me out and do whatever...i maen....theyre REAL...
cherry_siren69: but always say no..
cherry_siren69: why?
cherry_siren69: because of him. but i don't believe in doing anyone wrong.
qtfriend2all: WHAT
qtfriend2all: why in the hell do you do that
qtfriend2all: Demi
qtfriend2all: You and Brandon are NOT together, no matter what he says
qtfriend2all: I dont care
cherry_siren69: these dudes STILL talk to me EVERYNITE! like...*can i come see you* i'm like no....
qtfriend2all: until he has the fucking balls to come see u, he has no right to make that kind of claim on your heart
cherry_siren69: ok
qtfriend2all: You are yougn
qtfriend2all: young rather
qtfriend2all: and you need to go out and have your fun
cherry_siren69: sooooo many dudes like me...
cherry_siren69: you know he should consider himself blessed...pplz just don't...appreciate me enough...
qtfriend2all: Exactly
cherry_siren69: i'm kinda irritated with dudes right now tho...
cherry_siren69: i mean..really...
qtfriend2all: i would be too
cherry_siren69: hes so sweet tho...and he really makes me laugh...
cherry_siren69: and he tries so hard to be a good daddy and all that..its so hard..
qtfriend2all: How is it hard Demi? You have not met him yet! I can understand liking him a lto but you cant love him
cherry_siren69: no. i do.
cherry_siren69: i know it.
cherry_siren69: it's not something you question.
cherry_siren69: thats how i know. i just know it. i'm sorry...i can tell me all you want that he's not good for me...ok...that part i will listen to u talk about...fine. can not tell me what i feel and what i don't feel. ronda i love you...but sometimes it's dunno. i'm in love with the guy and that's it...its how i feel.
cherry_siren69: i think feel its pefectly possible to love someone you've never touched before...PERFECTLY possible.
qtfriend2all: Alright, so maybe it is possible. Demi, I am not going to tell you how you feel. I was wrong for that. But I will just say that when he breaks your heart or doesn't. I will be here. I cant do anymore to help you because you have to learn for yourself
cherry_siren69: i do understand where youre coming from tho..
qtfriend2all: it's just harder for me not to say anything because i think we were in the same exact situations
cherry_siren69: yeah...i know what you mean because i was giving this same exact advice to one of my friends about 2 yrs ago...
cherry_siren69: we were in china the dude she was in love with was all the way in texas...
cherry_siren69: can u believe this girl was going to give this dude all her allownce come christmas time so he could catch a plane to china to come see her?????
cherry_siren69: i was like tina you b!tch are you fuckin' outta your mind?!
qtfriend2all: WHAT
qtfriend2all: LOL dayum
qtfriend2all: see
qtfriend2all: it's some crazy shit
cherry_siren69: i know..
cherry_siren69: this guy Byron really likes me...
cherry_siren69: at first we were just talking every now and then...but the he started dropping hints like bombs in the past few days.
cherry_siren69: he has my number and i have his but...i'm just not ready to talk to him.
cherry_siren69: i told him please not to call me tho.
qtfriend2all: Well Demi, you must live and learn
qtfriend2all: and you have a hard lesson coming to you, but you have to take it
cherry_siren69: eh
cherry_siren69: i guess i should talk to him if he comes on later.
qtfriend2all: you lose more than you gain if you dont
cherry_siren69: just thinking about it hurts and makes me cry tho...
cherry_siren69: because...i know if i keep talking to him..we're always going to be like...*i miss you* and then we're going to try and work shit out again...
cherry_siren69: but then if i stop talking to him altogether...i'm just going hurt..ALOT
cherry_siren69: cuz i'll miss talking to him..
qtfriend2all: well then tell his ass to meet u
cherry_siren69: i want to...
cherry_siren69: but i dunno..i'm just afraid of what he'll say...
cherry_siren69: another excuse or something..and then i'm going to be really hurt.
qtfriend2all: Yeah I agree
cherry_siren69: sometimes i just wanna say if you don't come see me now...don't ever bother talking to me again..
cherry_siren69: but that would be mean...
qtfriend2all: No why would it be?
cherry_siren69: i dunno.
cherry_siren69: i guess ur right...
cherry_siren69: i am way too cute for this yo...
qtfriend2all: LOL
cherry_siren69: i'm fa real yo..
cherry_siren69: shit..
cherry_siren69: LOOK AT ME!
qtfriend2all: you are wild
cherry_siren69: i kno right..
cherry_siren69: but you know it's true..
cherry_siren69: if you were a dude you know you'd wanna hit this...
cherry_siren69: LOL!

Posted by poetry/sensual_chocolate84 at 4:52 PM EDT
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