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          They were fighting again. I’ve been told that they can hear their screaming a block down . After an hour I went into the back, but since we live in an apartment, and don’t have a backyard, I went into the ally. I hear cry’s out here, like she’s next to me. I hate, the feeling like you can do something to stop it is always on the brain. But I can’t, and it doesn’t matter that everyone can hear cause they learned to ignore her. They have been fighting for as long as I can remember. I’ve learned to ignore it. Now I’m sitting on our tin trash cans. Tin trash cans, I didn’t know they even made them anymore. I’ve only seen them on wrestling, in the street fights, ya know. Then my dad brought them home one day...

“Ha ha ha ha...” “Here”

          Someone’s at the other end of the alley. I try to ignore them, but they keep on making noise, so I look down the alley again. It’s Miss. Wilcott, that’s her proper name, Crystal Wilcott. She goes into a cove to the adjacent side of my building. I’ll tell you a little bit about her. Her “stage” name is Gloria. She told me it was after that old song. She’s a pro, you know? She’s beautiful, but mostly from afar. Once you get up close she looks too old to be pretty. After a bit I ignore them again and look up at the stars again.

         I never get tired of looking at the constellation Orion; he’s a very strong hunter. Sometimes I imagine that he’s kinda poetic. I wish that somebody like him would come and get me. If someone did then I wouldn’t be so cold out here. I’m only wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Luckily I didn’t change into my pajamas. I were very old and holey cloths to bed. HAAAAAA!

          Startled I look down the alley, but it’s empty. Then I hear a gurgling, almost like someone gargling salt water but a little harsher. Looking harder I see the man Crystal was with.

“Shit”, I whisper as I run over to her.

          I’m not scared, I’ve helped her three times before. When I get to her I reach out for the guy. I don’t have to pull hard, though, cause he’s moving away from her at the same time, pulling a....string with him. But.... I don’t understand what I’m seeing. Crystals eyes are in the back of her head, cause I only see white were hazel it suppose to be. Her right arm is up by her neck, like she was trying to pull away the rope. Her left arm is already limp on the dirty alley. Her face looks blueish, with sweet and makeup all over smeared together. Her red and white flower blouse is pretty straight. He mustn’t have like her breast, most guys don’t cause they’re small, she’s very athletic. But her skirt is all askew, and I don’t real know why my mind was lead away from this guy next to me, but it was.

          Suddenly I’m grabbed from my thoughts and dragged to a car. He throws me in the from. The seatbelt goes over me, and before I can get my mind straight again, he’s holding my head down. As he drives away I hear my mother screaming again.


         It’s dark and I’m scared. The floor of the car is clean. I’m so scared everything happened so fast, the only real light is from the moon ans street lights. I can see the glove department, it’s dark, maybe a black color. He has the radio on. Crystals face and body keeps popping into my head. Her breast, her eyes, dead eyes, dead hazel eyes that stared at her brain. There was nothing there, like that boy that got shot, his blood was everywhere; they didn’t even clean it, the rain washed it into the swearers. I want to throw up, cry, scream, but instead I wet myself. My face feels hot and I start to sob with his hand holding my head down.

          I want my dad. I want him here, I want my baby brothers, my mother. I want some, anyone! I scream and he pulls my head up and down into the dashboard. It hurts me, so I stop moving, he pulls my head up again. I close my eyes waiting for him to push it down, but he doesn’t, he only forces it back into my lap.

I don’t know how long he drove. I stared, didn’t move, only moved with the car. I don’t know how long he drove but we must be pretty far away from the naighborhood. At least a couple of miles. He parks, turns the key to shut the engine off, and opens his door. When he lets me go I tense up. My first response is to run, but before I can comprehend what is going on he drags me out of the car, through his side.

          I finally look up at him and at the same time he glances at me. I see his face convert into a scowl as he looks down at my pants. He walks a little in front of me, pulling him with him. I fallow, not having time to come up with anything because he quickly spins me into him. Pulling me against him he stuffs a couple of pills into my mouth and holds me close. His shirt is course and he smells of light cologne and sweat. I feel like puking, but before I can my head starts to spin. I look down, He’s still holding me tight but he lets me move away from him.

          I look at the ground an it makes it worst. The ground starts to spin, my eyes go in the back of my head, but he pulls me with him so I don’t fall. The gray dark night turns to a bright orange light, it shocks me so I stubble some more. Figures brush into me. I want to throw up, the room looks like an acid painting. I can’t feel anything, but I hear voices. Some of them may be my own, it sounds like me, but I can’t tell for sure. There’s a box and shadows. I shake away from them, trying to hide from, but something is stopping me. I taste salt, water, something else in my mouth. Everything is spinning. The only thing I know for sure is that someone is holding me before my eyes go black.

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