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~ The cold blade hits like a thousand swords, 
Going deeper and deeper, 
Til you feel no more. 
Suddenly everything goes black, 
As you lie there on your back. 
Memories flow by, 
You take one last sigh. 
Everything you've done is gone, 
You were so very young. 
You still had a future ahead, 
But cut it short, 
Because you couldn't stand it anymore. 
I don't blame you, 
For what you have done, 
For you are me. 
Looking down at myself, 
What a pittyful thing, 
She could never sing. 
As I float up, 
I get sucked down, 
Pulled all the way to hell. 
That's where suiciders are supposed to go, 
Even though, 
My whole life I did nothing wrong, 
For I was strong, 
But weak in darkness. 
I had so much pain, 
I could not mend, 
That's why I put my life to an end. 
~As I lie here, 
With nothing to fear. 
Death is closer, 
Though I can't see it clear. 
This dark world, 
As people presume to say, 
Depression is their way. 
Soon that leads to suicide, 
Which I do not ablige. 
I feel as if I'm stuck here, 
For the rest of my life. 
I'm screaming at the top of my lungs, 
But no one can hear me. 
No one knows my pain, 
I must sustain. 
Be glace for what I do, 
Either bad or good. 
Sooner or later I will be gone, 
No major loss to anyone. 
I'm cold, careless, fearless, 
For I know death is upon me. 
I can't control for what I do. 
It would be the best thing, 
Having no exitstance, 
Or it could be fatal error. 
Love is no longer strong, 
It's a weekness in my heart. 
The power of evil has taken me over. 
Sooner or later I know I'm going to be, 

~What is love? 
Was it sent from up above? 
I thought I had it once, 
But where has it gone? 
Is it from the heart? 
Because I do not have one. 
Love used to be so great, 
Then I got to a point I never ate. 
So many emotions inside. 
Why did this have to happen? 
Was it me, for taking all the blame? 
Or simply no longer wanting me? 
It makes me so depressed, 
To think I'm unwanted. 
You've torn me up, 
And I can not mend, 
Especially my love, 
That I one had. 
Killing myslef would be the best thing to do. 
Untill someone says, I truly love you. 
Until such time, 
I must not shine. 
For I am a dark witted soul, 
Who can find no end, 
To a life long journey, 
Where love will never mend. 

~ What is life? 
Do I have a purpose? 
If I do, 
What is it? 

I haven't done anything, 
To change ones life. 
I seem to make things worse, 
Just looking back. 

Life seems so strange to me, 
Are we for real? 
What about our after life? 
Where does that take us? 

It's hard to put life into perspective, 
After being left in a dark hole, 
Where I can not escape. 
It's holding me down, 
With nothing to do. 

I keep telling myself, 
Maybe i do have a purpose here, 
But what? 
I could have a sudden death, 
And never made that move. 
Or have a long and boring life, 
With no satisfaction. 

Why is this so confusing for me? 
For I am, only a child, 
Who for some reason, 
Is trying to find her meaning of life. 

I'll neevr quite understand it, 
But who knows. 
Maybe the thought of death, 
Being inside my mind, 
Will help me for-see the world. 
Maybe it won't. 

Death is among us, 
We have to accept it, 
Some earlier then others, 
But sooner or later we're gone. 

Why did god send me here? 
If he knew I was going to be miserable. 
I, right now have no purpose of life, 
Why can't I just end it now! 

Too many thoughts go though my head, 
When I wish I were dead. 
Will I be missed, maybe. 
But when you think of it, 
It's only a small few who will miss you. 
The rest have no clue who you are. 

If i ever do die, 
I would soon be forgotten. 
Everyones lives will go on, 
Except for mine. 

I can see the blood run down my face 
Finally taken away from this god fobidden place. 

When I was Three, 
My daddy raped me. 
Then when I was four 
My mom pounded me to the floor. 

My whole life I've been battered and bruised 
So I really had nothing to lose. 
I had no friends 
I thought, why not end. 
My parents were never there 
They never really cared. 

So I took the gun put it to my head 
A few moments later I was dead. 
I'm in gods hands now hoping for a better life 
Away from from torture and strife. 
I want to be free, 
To be me. 
Out of pain and misery.