mere folly of a fool
if i will to die
i die
and if i will to live
i live
and when i do rest in the shallow grave
remember my request of an open casket
so mourners may see a body already decomposed
to prove that such work
such suffering
such abuse
was not done in vain
and as they shovel the dirt in
be sure to recall
how the worms themselves turn away
lamenting in complaint
at the lack of meat in which to burrow

watch me juggle
watch me dance
mystifying, in a trance
see me change, see me receed
see me till it isnt me
note the bones and
note the skin
note how theres nothing else within

these things that we do
just dont make sense
playing puppet 24/7
what goes on inside our minds that
makes us twist
turning inside out
the mirror mocks
hisses at us
(that skinny bitch,
i fucking hate her)
her empty promises of letting me run free
as soon as i am thin.
that whore
she never will let me go
just teach me to smile as i die
donning my disguises
adding to the masquarade
the mirror never ends