Tigger Bounces 

Every Woman has Her Role Models:

They Catch Me When I've Lost My Bounce or When I've Bounced Too High

Marilyn Waring: A Feminist Economist Farmer Cello Player Stateswoman Activist!

From a recent blurb on Marilyn:

A former member of the New Zealand Parliament, Marilyn Waring is a farmer, development consultant, writer and senior lecturer at Massey Universtiy in Auckland. She is the author of If Women Counted: ĘThe New Feminist Economics (1989) which is the basis of a National Film Board production entitled "Who's Counting?" Her latest book is Three Masquerades: Equality, Work and Human Rights (1996).

Marilyn Waring Links:

  • Merilyn's Main Thesis

    Fictional Role Model: Xena!

    Xena has helped me define some urges and images I have that the ordinary world doesn't allow. She made me realize what "my type" is: the tough femme.

    Xena Links:

  • Whoosh! The Journal of the International Association of Xena Studies. Essays, articles, commentaries, and various (some funny, some side-splitting) analyses of the television show Xena: Warrior Princess.

  • Also check this one out- easy to navigate, lots of links. Tom's Xena Page

    Another Fictional Role Model: Hothead Paisan!

    Hothead was too intense for me when I first started reading the comic (by Diane DiMassa) at age 19, but after years upon years of standing at the magazine rack reading her adventures, I found myself clinging to images and lessons I learned (or re-learned) through Hothead. It particularly helps to magically make a bullseye (like a dart board) appear on the back of the guy on the street who just started calling you nasty things for not responding to his leering commentary. "Whatsamatta honey?" (Bullseye.) Trust me, it helps me stay sane.

    Thank you DiMassa:

  • Hothead's Home Page

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    this page last updated: 4 October, 1999