Groups that I've worked with as an activist and recommend as
Political Links that I Love:

The Challenging White Supremacy Workshop, a *free* study group held in SF on Sunday afternoons, temporarily closed to first-time participants:
  • CWSW

    The Amazing -however defunct- San Francisco Lesbian Avengers, defending the rights and promoting the visibility of lesbians, transgendered women and bisexual women, a place where I made friends and learned the art of billboard "beautification" as well as how to eat fire and HTML programming:
  • Lesbian Avengers San Francisco

  • AVENGER NEWSFLASH! ...As of this writing on 4 Oct. 1999 there is a movement afoot to reincarnate the SF Avengers. I know the people restarting the thing, so e-mail me if you want the scoop!

    Prison reform is long overdue: it's time to get informed and support communities as they heal and seek out alternatives to the current revolving door system. Really, the only rehab with a significant effect on recidivism is EDUCATION, but nobody wants to pay for scholarships for convicts while ordinary high schoolers can't afford state tuitions, but meanwhile:

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    |volunteer work|
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    e-mail me

    this page last updated: 4 October, 1999