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My name is Trisha and I made this page to hopefully help people
see the Goodness of God and how much he truly loves his children.

By following the links in the drop down menu below ,
you can visit some of my poetry,songs, thoughts and writings
as well as a section for children.
Please write me before using material from this site.
My email address is below.

In the drop down menu below are the names of two children...
PJ and Patrick
Have you seen these two children? Please take a look.
I have searched and found no sign of them,
they would be about 23 and 25 years old by now.
The last I seen of them was in Dallas County,

The writings on the pages on this site
are the private works of the author
protected by copy right
you wish to use any of them please contact
Trisha at

This Friendship's Song site
owned by Trisha

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