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I rescued a cat so many years ago
of a horrible life.

What I didn't know when I saved
her life that fateful day.

That GYSPY would become my
friend for life.

We still have a special bond
that can never be broken.

Even thou GYSPY is getting
older she always has a special
place in my heart.

My poor GYSPY lived a hard life.

Even thou all the changes that
went on in my life. GYSPY has
always been there.

I saw the look GYSPY gave me
when I brought Dana home.

GYSPY looked at me to say another
one , why?

GYSPY accepted my second child
just as well as the first one.

When I go for a walk with the
kids she is never far behind me.

This is a special bond that never
can be broken.

I love my GYSPY and will
always love her.

Someday, I might tell everyone
how she became mine and what
happened to her.

© By Ruth Lewis
November 5,2000

Please give donations to the
Humane Society or the SPCA.
This will help the abused and
homeless animals.
