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The Characters

Here you see the 4 main cyborgs ambushing a random citizen... note:  this is not an actual scene from the movie, none of these are... these are just the characters as they exist in my mind doing things I think they might do.

Cyborg #6889 Alias: Black

He was originally a friend of THE MAN before the beginning of the Cyber Project (which would be capturing citizens and turning them into cyborgs "For their own good") He was critically injured in a car accident and his friend, TM, saved his body and cyborgified it.

Cyborg #313 Alias: Blue

Originally a body guard for TM, but that changed when he took a bullet to save his boss. TM returned the favor by transplanting his brain into a completely mechanized body.

Cyborg #70089 Alias: Red  (Beginning to see a pattern?)

Was once a weapons, heck, still is, a weapons technician for TM who also likes to drive fast cars. He is more human than most of the cyborgs, only having his muscles augmented with cybernetic sinew to allow him to carry big weapons.

Cyborg #123 Alias: Topaz, just kidding, its White

This cyborg is a recent "recruit" being the only one of this group that wasn't a willing borg. He once was a sickly bum, that was until he was captured and put through the cyborginator x2001 (turns people into cyborgs) He is less emotional than the others, that being a side affect of the controlling chips implanted into the brains of the "non-willing participants"

This is Jim. He is a good guy. His partner, um, Mac is in the hospital (ill put a blurb on here about Mac as he pops into the movie) Jim is basically a internet freak. This whole mess started when he was reading in the newsgroups and heard rumors of pumped-up people running amuk in the dark allies, kidnapping the homeless and mindless. Then he did some research and found the location of one of the paper-work offices (why a horrible corporation that kidnaps people keeps records, is beyond me, but anyway) and he goes there and his partner, Mac steals a "Promotional" video from the archives. NOTE: this stuff happened in the first episode, Vigilante 1

This is the apartment's guard. In VE1, he waved to Jim as he walked by. He won't be waving in VE2.  He seems to have been peppered by bullets. Another victim of the cyborgs' relentless violence and disregard for the sanctity of human (or any kind of) life.

I guess this is sort of a character in my movie, but I'm putting up this image and the following one more to show something nifty I found. I am always looking for new ways to put pieces together and found one. you can see more clearly in the picture below which piece I used. Just pull off the techic's leg and push that grey technic piece on. It even gives some movement (though not quite as much as the real leg) but you can add all sorts of stuff to it to mechanize it :-)

See description for picture above.
