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Hi! I thought sharing these with others is what I want. They're all my original work. I'd like to hear from YOU whether you hate them or like them!


I will keep on adding new poetries. So do keep coming back! Thanks!




Ailing heart

There is nothing left in this heart now,

Except the ache of parting from you,

Rip my chest and heart, all you’ll find is,

The yearning for you and only you.


I had heard about love from other people,

But you taught me the definition of love,

When my heart met yours, I started dreaming,

Dreaming about us being together forever.


Oh! How stupid of me to even think about forever,

My lunatic heart made me lunatic as well,

When I met all the other lunatics in love,

How they told me to wait for another one.


You’re still in my eyes and my heart,

My beating heart, beats for you,

This love for you is like a prayer to me,

Your love is like a god to me!

Call Upon

Call upon me, I am lost,

Am I awake or still sleeping?

I’ll die if I am far from you

Call upon me, so I am lost.


Since I have looked in your eyes,

I have started loving life,

I wasn’t afraid of death,

Now I fear it all the time!


Spring in the air and the drizzle,

Lets watch all dreams in one night,

I fear this might not last,

I fear it’ll all end after one meeting.


Stay right here infront me, don’t go,

I have to say something, don’t go,

This season of love, don’t go,

You’re my season, don’t go.



Unique Son


The unique son who wants the moon to play with,

So unique and such an unattainable thing to ask.


External wounds are healed, internal wounds don’t heal,

I don’t know the strange situation of my own heart.


I am still thirsty and my body is still burning with desire,

The fire of desire can be extinguished by him and only him.


Those who didn’t go through this, those who didn’t bear this,

How would they understand what’s going on with my heart?


The world comes in to rescue me and make me understand this,

My crazy heart doesn’t want to understand, what can I do?


The unique son who wants the moon to play with,

So unique and such an unattainable thing to ask.





Say good-bye to me, Say good-bye to me.

Oh my own conscience, say good-bye to me.


You and I were in this dark mountain,

I am tired of seeking refuge in this dark era,

I have burnt my hands & feet in this heat of my heart,

Say good-bye to me, Say good-bye to me.


So that I can hear the voice of my own hurting heart,

It’s so late; that later is even later than late,

It seems like a century has passed by without you,

Say good-bye to me, Say good-bye to me.


I have dreamt enough of getting back with you,

Now I don’t even have the courage to get up,

It took courage to sew up my own wounds, no courage left,

Say good-bye to me, Say good-bye to me.




A small mistake will leave us at the two ends of the world,

Being separated is what he likes, is that what he wants?

You will not change & things will not change, who knew this?


I never was interested in making relations deep in this new city,

But I thought these strong relations were robust and deep,

I got nothing but tears, from these estranged people.


As I walk away from all of this, the chains of love keep me,

The thought of not having him, makes me melt all over,

If only he would have called me back in his life, with love.





It’s drizzling and I am alone in a valley in Scotland …the bagpipes playing behind me soothing my senses, making me feel as light as a feather …. I look around, I see no one, it’s not dark ..where is everybody?


Why does it feel like I am the only person in this valley … I raise my arms sideways to feel the rain drops on my hand, the wind blowing behind my back brings the rain drops with itself, I feel the warmth on my face .. oh it’s my tears .. they mingle with the raindrops yet I feel them .. I feel they’re warm.


Is there a reason why I like the drizzle?

Perhaps this effect .. this warming effect that it creates on my face ... the drizzle; they conceal the tears … nobody knows, nobody sees but then who is there to see anyway? The drizzle .. can they give me that warmth ..that warmth on my face, that warmth in my heart …

I turn around, see somebody coming from far.. far far away.. perhaps I am not that lonely … perhaps there’s somebody looking over me .. coming at me… is this the love of my life?

For the time being, I am caught in the moment..there’s so much fog around.. it’s so hazy.. all I can see is that presumable love of my life smiling at me. Is that a smile or is the person just wincing with pain? It’s vague I can’t see.. I feel I am loved …. Just for the moment. The valley and everything in the background just seem to fade away.. I await this person.. is the mist ever going to go away.. will I ever see the love of my life .. ?









In this desert I feel deserted,

Just to be in the shadow of your voice,

Just to drink from your lips and be fuddled!


 In this desert I feel so deserted that,

this feeling of being far is so trenching,

the flowers stopped growing in the garden of my life!


I am sure you’re sighing somewhere now in,

Anticipation of meeting me; anticipation of seeing me,

That breath and sigh has the sweet aroma of wanting me.


The next time you see me, at least look at me,

Who knew I still dress up for you and only you,

And when you don’t look at me, I remain unsatisfied.


I have kept you in my heart with so much love,

When you place your hands on the cheek of my heart,

I wonder if this is the dawn of parting? Why don’t I see any light?





Meeting Him


Oh! If my heart desires I can bring anything in front of me,

Walk two steps and destiny could be reached!


Oh my heart’s pain it’s ok if it’s this way,

At least you get to see him this way,

Shock me when I am too close to him again,

Before it’s too late again, yet again!


Oh! My tour guide I am ready to walk in this tour of life,

Walk with you, but do remember at least this,

Just when I am about to associate myself with him again,

Make me lose the sense of direction so I don’t see him again!







O God! Draw the picture of my love in my heart,

So he can see the love flowing in my eyes,

O my God, give me another life to live with him.


How do I love him, life is too short to love him,

These days will pass by just laughing and crying,

Make me feel contented, give me so much happiness,

O my God, give me another life to live with him,


I can look in his eyes for 100 years and,

If you give me another 100 years O God,

I’ll hug him for another century

And then even after that O my God

I shall ask for another 100 years with him





Finding Him


I don’t find somebody who’d want me and just me,

Who’d look at me from the heart’s eye.


I found lots of people who’d like me and want me,

But the one that I wanted is the one I couldn’t find.


I am tired after this very long journey in life because,

I came across the scorching heat of the sun but no shade.


I tried to look for it here and there and everywhere,

Still looking for that heart’s content, yes I am.

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