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" Stranger In My Life "

When you came into my life,
a stranger I did see,
asking myself,
"is he really talking to me?"...

You sent me a message and
complimented my profile,
I replied with a "thank you"
and had a big smile...

We talked and we talked,
a laugh we did share,
building a friendship, that is
filled with love & care...

We've shared our laughter,
we've shared our sorrows,
in hopes that our love lasts,
for many tomorrows...

As time has passed, a wonderful
friend I have made,
a friend who shares their life with
me, and I don't want it to fade...

Your love and your friendship is special,
in every which way,
it is you that I look for,
when I'm having a very sad day...

So just keep in mind,
when you're sad and blue,
that my love for you darling
will always be true...

Estella F. Saldivar
© copyright 2000

Midi: " When Sunny Gets Blue"

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