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" Silent Thoughts "

Silent thoughts surround me,
a lonliness that is filled with fears,
A heart that aches with sadness
eyes filled with rivers of tears...

The silence is so deafening
the breeze is at a stand-still,
Echos of whispers at a distance
and emptiness is what I feel...

Walking along the pathway of lonliness,
not knowing if I will ever find my way,
Searching my heart for the answers
yet the answers, seem so far away...

Slowly I glance across the field,
only to see the beautiful white snow,
It's softness so pure and so innocent
as the sun reflects its beautiful illuminating glow...

My thoughts wander endlessly
with questions of where this path will lead me,
They linger within the distant shadows,
of where my heart longs to be...

I never imagined that life could be this way,
with a lonliness that engulfs my heart,
only to face a sad decision,
a decision that truely is tearing me apart...

Time is of the essence, and this decision
I will soon have to make,
For if I allow myself to continue this way
sadness will consume every breath I take...

Life gives us no promises,
and in my heart I know this to be true,
Life is full of surprises,
even if I no longer share my love with you...

I will continue to look towards the future
and I will hold my head up high,
This sadness will soon be behind me
and no longer will I breathe a lonely sigh...

Estella F. Saldivar
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