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" Secret Pleasures "

Sitting behind the shadows as I secretly search for you,
watching for your presence
to see what you're going to do...

I suddenly catch a glimpse of you, as you glide across the floor,
making sure I don't lose site of you,
before you slip out the door...

Our eyes suddenly meet, our smiles we do share,
wondering what will happen next with
the feelings of excitement, in the air...

With whispering lips I motion, "just follow me",
and assure you that my soft touch,
will only set you free...

My fingertips slowly glide up and down
your soft, tender skin,
making sure my touch excites you and
that you shiver from deep within...

My lips gently kiss you, your body shakes with desire,
caressing and touching you,
is what sets your heart on fire...

Our breaths race together,
our hearts beat fast,
enjoying the pleasure and excitement
and wanting it to always last...

Holding you close as you reach your highest peak,
loving the excitement, that
my touch has made you weak...

Our bodies stand still as we hold each other tight,
feeling the release of pleasure
if only for one night...

These are our memories, as we go from day to day,
they are memories I hold close
and never shall fade away...

Estella F. Saldivar
© copyright


" Midi: "Misty"

A Listening Heart
