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This poem is dedicated to two very dear friends of mine,
Kirk & Jo An. May the love they have for each
other continue to bloom forever.

" Two Loving Hearts "

What a journey this has been for you, a journey
that at times was filled with doubt,
You had feelings of emptiness and frustration, for
you didn’t know, what it was all about…

In sharing your laughter and sharing your fears,
you shared your lives daily and realized, there
was no reason, to shed any tears…

Time had no limits, it opened both of your hearts,
your love has grown slowly, to a height,
where it will never depart…

Your love for each other is stronger today, it’s
a bond that will forever live in time,
Your love will continue to grow tomorrow, for
it’s your hearts, that will glow and shine..

Your hearts are now joined together, your
two hearts are filled with love,
Your hearts share the feelings of happiness,
happiness that comes from up above...

I am blessed to know two people, two
people who share a loving bond,
I am blessed to call them “best friends”, for
true friendships, go over and beyond…

Estella F. Saldivar
March 21, 2003

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