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"Our Brief Encounter"

From out of the blue you suddenly appear,
keeping your distance,
but staying near..

Your feelings and thoughts you
longed to share,
but feared that my feelings
you needed to spare...

Our brief encounter suddenly came to a halt,
not knowing what was said,
not knowing what was thought...

I once again noticed you with a
soft gentle glance,
and decided to approach you
and take a chance..

You replied in an instance and you
showed me a smile,
it was then that I knew,
that you would stay a while...

We immediately started talking,
our lives we did share,
smiling and laughing, I knew
you'd always be there...

As each day that passes our love shall it grow,
our hearts beating together,
but knowing we should go slow...

You promise to love me and
shine my every day,
and it is in my heart, I promise,
that you will forever stay...

Estella F. Saldivar
“ 2000 “

"Midi: "Memories"

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