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Last occupants of Old Rachel's, from left Martha Evans, b 1879, Kate Evans b 1890, Hannah Evans b 1848

Evans family outside Old Rachel's

Last occupants of Old Rachels, Anglezarke. The last known residents of Old Rachel’s were the daughter named and on the photograph above – Martha Evans (1879-1946) and possibly her husband-to-be, Abel Pilkington (born 1858). Poor Kate, who they called Kitty, died at the farm aged only 18. The mystery face is probably one of the sons – Samuel (b.1869 probably too old), John (1877), Joseph (1880) or Henry Junior (1882). Based on my dating of the photo as 1892, that makes to me John or Joseph the most likely candidates, who would have been approx. 12 and 15 years old respectively. Kate and Hannah are interred at Rivington Church In Memory Of KATE, The beloved daughter of HENRY & HANNAH EVANS, Old Rachel’s Farm, Rivington, who departed this life May 12th 1908, aged 18 years. Also HANNAH EVANS, wife of HENRY EVANS, Higher Knowle Farm, Rivington, who died June 26th 1916, aged 70 Years. The farm had a large stone water trough which was filled with cool, clean spring water, and the doorstep was made from an old cheese press. Behind the farm was a bowling green, and further back still – towards Hempshaw’s we believe – was a mock orange tree amongst old gardens. The Evans family were the last inhabitants of the farm, known to be present in the 1890’s. Some time soon after, they moved to Higher Knowle Farm, and thus Old Rachel’s fell into ruin. In 1907 they were still referred to as Martha and Abel of Old Rachel’s. They were in the news this year, when they had an accident on Dryfield Lane. They were in a horse and cart, and a car came round the corner and frightened the horse. Abel was thrown out but did not sustain any broken bones. As mentioned, Kitty died whilst they were still at Old Rachel’s, in 1909, but by the 1911 census, they had moved to Moses Cocker’s Farm.

Moses Cocker Farm

Martha Evans outside Moses Cocker's Farm, Anglezarke,