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r.i.p danny verdugo <

I ask god why did he have to take you away but I know I won't get any answer back. God brings you to the world and he can take you out of the world. It's hard to think that you are gone for good knowing that we won't be able to kick it or talk to you I wish I could go back in time and change every thing that happen on that dark day. Sometimes when we think of you a tear drops we still remember you and all those crazy thing you use to do But you are not dead your spirit is still here with us like you are in our hearts you left the world to become an angel to look out for your family and friends . You are not dead you are just sleeping and resting were nobody will ever hurt you or make you cry or get you mad. Good night we say to you Good friend may you rest in peace.............

So Sad To Say GoodBYE

Friends are special and so hard To find those that smile and Are so kind. They stand beside You on very bad days. Giving strengh to go trough my pain. You are a good friend Danny why did they have to take you Away thank you for all the smile you gaves us, for all the jokes that made us laugh and when we were down you would cheer us up but one day my friend we will all see you again so we say Thank you Good friend you are missed but we carry you in our heart and toughs RIP DANNY VERDUGO 1983-2000............

This is another poem from all the DrunX to you Danny.........
Dear Danny is so hard to think that you are dead everyday we wake up and ask if it was a dream that you went away or was is real. Just when we stop and think how you use to make us laugh. The crew is not yet complete because there is that one person missing there and that person is you and nobody will ever take your place. Years will go by but we will remember about it like it was just yesterday it will be hard to let it go or just not think about but a friend so close like you that god took away it's going to take a wile. Every time we pass by that spot were you died We get chills. We think about the moments you left us you were so young to leave you still had much more to live Why did god choose to take you away You were suppose to be there in graduation trough everything . But like you use to tells us keep your head We promise we will try but for know only time will tell. Hope you are up there watching over your family and your friends and smiling down. Because you are in a better place were nobody will get to you or hurt you. We wish we could see you but we know you here with us spiritually. I will close this poem by saying You were and still are a good friend and you will always be remember ……………..From all the DrunX For you Danny Rip

Angels Never Die

We thought of you with love today.But that is nothing new.We thought about you yesterday.And days before that too.We think of you in silence.We often speak your name.Now all we have is memories.And your picture in a frame.Your memory is our keepsake.With which we'll never part.God has you in his keeping.We have you in our heart.I hope you find, a comforting peace, In these heartfelt words of love, As we remember, a treasured friend, Who was called to the skies above, "Everything happens for a reason," That's what I was always told, And throughout my life, close to my heart, Those few words I will hold, Time comes and time goes, Yet, surrendered to our hearts, Are the memories from all of the yesterdays, And the time to reminisce of those, whom had to part, Each moment, leads to our destiny, Each second that ticks by, our fate, We must live each moment as if it is our last, Learn from our wrongdoings and mistakes, No one in this world is a failure, "…Unless you fail to try…" Just know, you'll never have to try to remember him, And that it is okay to cry, Every tear will follow in a memory, Thinking of the smiles from yesterday, But with tomorrows sunrise, he'll still awake, Though it seems he's flown away, Each of us are angels, Born before the eyes of God, Waiting for someone to love them, For their beauty's and their flaws, And you all loved him for all he was, And still will at the coming of the dawn, He's still here, standing before you, Though it seems that he is gone, Everyone seems to think, that angels go away forever, When they spread their wings and fly, But their wings bring them back to us, For an angel's soul can never die.

A Poem From Tiny To Danny 02D

Web Page & poems were done by Tiny